
I just happen to realize that college life isn't that easy. Tho, I still manage to write one or two stories (even it's not a fanfic), I long ago dumped this account and forgot to finish my on-going re-upload works so I respawn from death just to unpublished it. I'm sorry for everyone who waiting for an update, just give up hehe. I might re-plotting again for [Become a Hero] but don't know if I could manage my schedule for that. For everyone that happen to read and appreciate my works, thank you, I love you all. Regards, Miya Lievy.


I just happen to realize that college life isn't that easy. Tho, I still manage to write one or two stories (even it's not a fanfic), I long ago dumped this account and forgot to finish my on-going re-upload works so I respawn from death just to unpublished it. I'm sorry for everyone who waiting for an update, just give up hehe. I might re-plotting again for [Become a Hero] but don't know if I could manage my schedule for that. For everyone that happen to read and appreciate my works, thank you, I love you all. Regards, Miya Lievy.



Kalo aku pacaran sama Monoma, Kaminari marah ga ya..


@ Orion_Rin  oke aku akan siapkan mental!! (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻


@shrinelievy lol, harus siap mental kalau gitu


@ Orion_Rin  (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) bener juga..


Tau ngga, gegara MHA s5 aku jadi ngeship bakujiro masa (〒﹏〒) Bakugou x Jirou gaesss lqlwnsbdbejwkwnk
          Cuma ya ... Well, my mind just started making plot of triangle love ehehe ... Peace (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
          I wanna write one or two short plot about MHA after long time, but yeah,.. guess it would be hard (╥﹏╥) gonna be update for Kaminari Denki one-shoot maybe??? Wkwkwk
          Oh and maybe I just started loving Monoma Neito now hehe, he's ... Idk, kinda attractive??? I love him btw ( ╹▽╹ )


QwQ jadi bukan cm aku doang yg ngerasa Bakugou ma Jirou itu kaya rada cocok gitu..
            Di antara cowo/cewe di kelas yg se kelamin, mereka kaya yg paling badass gitu...


@ Orion_Rin  yess that's the point!! Just waiting for surprise (✿^‿^) sama siapa aja juga oke oke aja buat ku yang multishipper ini (◕ᴗ◕✿)


@shrinelievy Huh ... Hal yg menarik adalah kita akan gak tau kalau mungkin suatu hari nanti karakter-karakter yg kita shipping bakal jadian sama karakter yg tidak terduga (who knows?) Dan mungkin aja Bakugou dan Jirou ...(●__●)
            Atau, mungkin nggak akan ada ship yg sailed sama sekali



Walaupun ini re-publish, aku penasaran. Ada yang nungguin Become a Hero ngga???
          Maaf Lievy jadi menelantarkan wattpad, I'm not in the good mood lately. Kayak.. males ngapa-ngapain gitu, huhu~
          I think I just crying too much, but it was fine!!
           Untuk kalian yang lihat ini tetap semangat ya... Hv a great life!! (✿^‿^)


Hallo! Dengan Lievy di sini!! Hehe,..
          Jadi aku mau unpublish beberapa Book ku, mau rombak besar besaran nih cerita nya. Yang pasti bakal aku re-publish itu [Become a Hero] sama [It's For You].
          Untuk yang [Two Million Voltage Smile] tuh aku unpublish juga tapi ngga tau mau re-republish atau ngga, karena jujur aku udah agak lupa gimana plot nya. Aku emang ngga pernah bikin kasaran dulu sebelum nulis, langsung asal bikin kata kata aja, Maaf :(
          Oh iya, ini Re-publish nya bertahap soalnya sekalian revisi juga. Tulisan ku banyak banget typo sama pemilihan kata yang salah :')
          Maaf juga kalo aku udah ngga pernah bikin fanfic lagi, mostly cuma one-shoot atau drabbless doang dan itupun jarang. Aku lagi kena wb berkepanjangan kayak nya, udah hampir setengah tahun :"(
          Tapi aku punya project [Cantarella] fanfic dari fandom HQ, semoga ini bisa menghibur dan ngga mengecewakan. Aku nyangkut di fandom HQ baru baru ini hehe~
          Udah gitu aja pengumuman nya, terima kasih atas perhatian nya, hv a great life all <3


@ Orion_Rin  aaaaa makasih kak Rin :D
            Seneng banyak yang suka sama Become a Hero hehe~
            Kak Rin juga hv a great day yaaa


@Lievy20 waa... Semangat Lievy!
            Aku bakal baca Become a Hero kalau udah kelar aja sekalian ya (maklum aku udah jarang main wattpad, ehehe) cuz y'know, it was worth to read. Anyway, take your time dear and good luck