
          	"He Loved My Soul"
          	In his eyes, I found a world so deep,
          	A connection beyond what words can speak.
          	His touch was gentle, a soothing grace,
          	But deeper still was the love we'd embrace.
          	Hand in hand, we walked life's winding road,
          	A union of souls, a story to be told.
          	Physical touch, a fleeting delight,
          	Yet in his eyes, love's flame burned bright.
          	For with eyes locked, our spirits entwined,
          	He touched my soul, and love defined.
          	His grasp on my heart, a tender hold,
          	In his love, I found warmth untold.
          	In the silent language of our gaze,
          	A universe of emotions would amaze.
          	His touch on my soul, a sacred art,
          	In the depths of love, he held my heart.
          	— Rajshrie singh 
          	Follow my Instagram account for more content like this.
          	Thank you 


          "He Loved My Soul"
          In his eyes, I found a world so deep,
          A connection beyond what words can speak.
          His touch was gentle, a soothing grace,
          But deeper still was the love we'd embrace.
          Hand in hand, we walked life's winding road,
          A union of souls, a story to be told.
          Physical touch, a fleeting delight,
          Yet in his eyes, love's flame burned bright.
          For with eyes locked, our spirits entwined,
          He touched my soul, and love defined.
          His grasp on my heart, a tender hold,
          In his love, I found warmth untold.
          In the silent language of our gaze,
          A universe of emotions would amaze.
          His touch on my soul, a sacred art,
          In the depths of love, he held my heart.
          — Rajshrie singh 
          Follow my Instagram account for more content like this.
          Thank you