
Working on a new short story for a challenge I found through some online peeps! First chapter will be posted soon. It is only loosely edited but it works pretty well for now.


The rough draft for Hands of Fate is complete and nearly polished! Only one (short) chapter left to post and it's done! Funnily enough, it came in RIGHT AT the minimum word count for the Open Novella Contest.... That was close.
          Now to see if I even qualified for the second round. If I do, I get to post this and call it good! And if nothing else, I had fun and wrote my first novella.


Hey, dunno who all even pays attention to this profile but I am participating in the Open Novel Contest this year! Yes it was a snap decision, no I have no idea how it will go, no I have never written a novella, but that's ok! If you're interested in fated lovers, fantasy based in ancient Mesopotamia, warrior women and soft bois, or watching me write a very messy first draft and have fun while I do it, check out my new project, "The Hands of Fate"!


@LunaXavage Oooh good luck! That sounds like a cool story. I'll have to see what it's about!


@shebephoebe I'm participating too! Best of luck to you bro and pls go and check out my book "Children Of Destiny:Son Of The Eternal" when you got the time or...whatever 


Good morning, all!
          I’m working on a new story I’m thinking of posting to Wattpad! It’s nothing fancy, and I probably won’t polish it up too much given the nature of the story itself. It is quite different from “Soar” and “Dark and Deep”, but I’m having tons of fun writing it.
          Keep your eyes peeled!


I would like to congratulate you on an absolutely amazing story. Soar had me on an emotional rollercoaster, and I was truly invested in the characters. I aspire to write too, and honestly I can't ever hope to reach talent like yours.


@Blitzkrieg000 Oh my goodness, thank you SO MUCH!!! I'm crying. I'm so glad you enjoyed Soar!
            Don't rag on yourself like that! Soar was the 5th full manuscript I ever completed, with years of other projects I abandoned on top of those completed drafts. It was also the first book I ever properly revised, and that alone took years. I spent ages finding my style (I'm still developing it) and learning how to lean into my strengths and refine my weaknesses.
            It takes time and practice, but you can definitely get there is you go for it. And don't compare yourself to others! You have a unique voice that deserves to be heard, I promise you, and comparing yourself to other writers will only muffle that voice.
            Keep going!


@shebephoebe how old is azadryn and hedyr???


@Lynn2314 Hello! Azadryn was born in the spring and is sixteen at the start of the book; seventeen when she crosses the river. (After that I lose all sense of the seasons and I don't know how old she is when the story ends....) Hedyr is about three years older than her, so 20 when they meet.
            Typing this now, so many years after first writing this story, and it's hitting me that I sent children into battle.... This is weird.
            But thanks for reading!


Hey, I just finished reading your book 'Soar' and I just wanted to say it was an awesome book!!!. I REALLY loved it.. it was quite different from any other dragon book I've read before. I love how you described the fighting between the riders and I love all the character names. The character themselves are also beautifully well made. There's just something so deep and gratifying your story that I could not stop reading. I hope u never stop writing such amazing books and characters..


@_StarInTheMaking_ Somehow I didn't see this message when you sent it! Eee, thank you so much for reading and for messaging me! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story and the characters. I had a blast writing them.
            I am still writing and I hope to have something new to post on Wattpad one of these days, but I won't post until I have something polished, lol.
            Have a splendid day!