
I have decided to start writing other books other then hannie and jannie stories. A few months ago I started writing "the helper girl and the homeless boy" About 5-6 months ago I started writing " the mystery" and that is getting closer to being finished. If you like things to do with mystery go read "the mystery". If you like things to do with Romance you will like "the helper girl and the homeless boy"
          	Which one of my storys should I post next?


I have decided to start writing other books other then hannie and jannie stories. A few months ago I started writing "the helper girl and the homeless boy" About 5-6 months ago I started writing " the mystery" and that is getting closer to being finished. If you like things to do with mystery go read "the mystery". If you like things to do with Romance you will like "the helper girl and the homeless boy"
          Which one of my storys should I post next?


I decided to delete the boy who never spoke and write one of my 5 new story's I came up with. I will bring the boy who never spoke back again soon 


@shayla0555 well, she doesn't like Hayden Summerall.


@laskya2027 what do you mean about that you don't like Annie 


@shayla0555 i dont like annie