
So my friend that I write with, BlakCircleGirl, set up a little online tip jar sort of deal. She's going through financial hardship and helping her out is helping me out so we can keep writing. So if you can, please buy her a "coffee"for $3/$4/$5 or share the link so maybe others will. She's trying to keep her apartment, stuff & pet. Thank you guys!
          	BuyMeACoffee: #BuyMeACoffee


So my friend that I write with, BlakCircleGirl, set up a little online tip jar sort of deal. She's going through financial hardship and helping her out is helping me out so we can keep writing. So if you can, please buy her a "coffee"for $3/$4/$5 or share the link so maybe others will. She's trying to keep her apartment, stuff & pet. Thank you guys!
          BuyMeACoffee: #BuyMeACoffee


It's about that time of year where my writing slows down, not just because of the personal stuff going on, but because the holidays are coming up and I usually pitch in to help the BlakCircleGirl with her shops. :D