
Chapter 37 of Endless Obsession is finally out.  This is the finale of the book. I hope you enjoy!!! <3 


The next chapter of Endless Obsessuon is halfway done. I'm really sorry for the delay in uploads. I've been dealing with alot of hardships the last few months and haven't had the motivation to write. I promise it'll be up before the end of the year. 



Just a little update for you all. I'm working on the next chapter of Endless Obsession. My dog passed away the end of June and my grandmother passed away a couple weeks ago so I've been pretty down the last 2 months. I've started doing some research to help make the next chapter as good as it can be. So sorry to make you all wait again. It is coming, I just can't tell you when. 


@shadowedeyes I am so sorry to hear that, I pray that they rest in peace <3


Chapter 36 of Endless Obsession is finally up! I'm so sorry for the delay, I'm trying to do better with updating 


@Cology10 I'm sorry I haven't updated yet. The last few weeks have been rough. I'll try to get the next xhaoter up soon! 


@shadowedeyes Please update next chapter


Hello Author!
          I'm loving ur story "Endless Obsession"
          Please update it soon as u can...
          Thanku! ☺


@NandiniBlink just posted the next chapter! So sorry for the long delay! 


I apologize for the long hiatus, been dealing with a lot of stuff at my job and it's been taking up all my time and taking a toll on me physically and mentally. I feel like I'm in a better mindset now and really want to finish up Endless Obsession. So I WILL have Chapter 35 up before the end of this week. Thank you for your patience with me, I hope you are all doing well and staying safe! xoxo


To whomever just commented on this, thank you for your love. I tried to reply and accidentally deleted it  :'[  IM SO SORRY! 