
Hey, everyone,
          	A new poem is finally up! Check it out now, and share your amazing thoughts with me. Can't wait to hear 'em all!


hello there sree! it's been long! how are u hun?


( @seven_hues )
            that's totally understandable,  I've been busy myself & catching up on people is something i need to start learning as well —  life is hectic but still remember to rake care of yourself, drink water & stay hydrated, take breaks & take some time for yourself. i consider poetry to be my life saving hobby when things get busy :">
            ive been good, just busy with training & internships & sleeping ofc ( + trying to catch up with new shows on netflix [ if that includes to being busy] ). other than that life is good at the moment ( till July 10th, when i will have to go back to college  :">  )
            you take care as well, love ♡
            sending all the love u deserve  <3


@ORACLC-50 hi, it's been a while since we've talked. i'm doing kinda alright  (i guess); thanks for asking. 
            life's a bit hectic right now, so i am not getting much time to read others' (amazing) works or write (and post) new stuff. 
            anyway, how've you been? i'm missing reading your beautiful poems terribly. but i promise to catch up with 'em as soon as possible.
            take care,


Hello readers,
          I’m thrilled to share that I’ve finally posted a new poem after a bit of a long time! I apologize for the wait – life has been a bit challenging lately. But I’m back and excited for you to read it.
          Check it out and share your thoughts. Your feedback means the world to me! Thank you for your patience and continued support.


@novelistASH Thank you very much! I really appreciate your amazing comment :)


Outstanding! It's worth the wait if you're going to drop sensational pieces like this.


Hello there Sreeja, a note for you. I'm reading your poems for the past few days, and they all are too exquisite to behold a separate meaning. I will not go by a great length of poetic excellence, that is not how honest opinions should sound. But splurge of emotions have their fair share in your poetry. Raw, distinctive and crashing insides, this is your work. 
          I've rarely read anyone as good, I appreciate Pearl to my whole heart, but her writing style is different from yours, and yours just is like a car hitting from front, creating an enigmatic roadside mess. None never brought out loss and trauma as your poetry too. 
          As a token of gratitude, I would love to host a poetry reward where I'll be sending a note of gratitude as well as a poetry book you want to read in your mail. Again, oh brilliance, your work!


@Williamson0 Hi, William!
            Thank you so much for your incredibly kind message! I'm genuinely touched that you've been reading my poems and that they resonated with you. Your words are so encouraging, and it’s amazing to hear that you appreciate my work in such a meaningful way.
            Pearl is an incredible poetess, and there are so many talented writers out there—I'm just grateful to be a part of this vibrant community. I’m honored by your comparison and thrilled that my poetry stands out to you.
            The idea of a poetry reward is so generous and thoughtful! Your support means a lot to me, and I would be more than happy to receive a note of gratitude and a poetry book. It’s gestures like this that make the writing journey so special.
            Thank you again, William, for your kind words and encouragement. It truly means a lot to me.
            Warm regards,


hello sreeja, hope you're having a good time. even if aren't I hope you do so, soon. I wanted to say that I read a few of your writings and I know I would be giving myself too much of a credit when I say I feel like it's all somewhere "written about me". I find myself squeezed in b/w your lines but then, I think most of us do when we read poetry, that's the whole point. and when I say this I mean your poetry is striking and it struck me very, gently. 
          I wish you love. bye. 


@honeytarts Oh my gosh, your message totally made my day! I've read it so many times because it's just so sweet and amazing. Seriously, it's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said about my writing. I can't believe you feel that way about my work, especially since I always thought it was a bit of a mess and kind of cringey.
            Thank you so much for your sweet words, your support, and for being there. It means the world to me! I loved reading your work as well. Thanks again, and let’s keep cheering each other on! 
            Loads of love and best wishes,