
Hey, to whoever is reading this, I'll be gone for a long time, so long that maybe I won't be coming back to wattpad anymore. I've been busy these days and I don't have time to check my phone. 
          	You'll probably ignore this because I'm not that important since I don't write and I simply just read. I've made a lot of friends here and I'm saying goodbye to y'all.
          	I'll be uninstalling wattpad now, maybe I'll re-install it after too. (I have my reasons why, don't attack me)
          	Welp, byebye! Take care of yourselves especially since there's a pandemic going on. :)) ❤ 


@seungminsrat aight champ I'll miss you and wait till you come back 


@mypqcemylqne you took it better than anyone else did you're a true friend 


@seungminsrat aww.... I'm pretty sure when Im going to post this comment, you already uninstalled wattpad but then again you're gonna download it back anyways. oh and please take a rest on whatever you are doing, i know it might be really important but overworking yourself is bad so please take care of yourself.. stay at home! get cozy and live your life! be safe everyone!! :) <3


Hey, to whoever is reading this, I'll be gone for a long time, so long that maybe I won't be coming back to wattpad anymore. I've been busy these days and I don't have time to check my phone. 
          You'll probably ignore this because I'm not that important since I don't write and I simply just read. I've made a lot of friends here and I'm saying goodbye to y'all.
          I'll be uninstalling wattpad now, maybe I'll re-install it after too. (I have my reasons why, don't attack me)
          Welp, byebye! Take care of yourselves especially since there's a pandemic going on. :)) ❤ 


@seungminsrat aight champ I'll miss you and wait till you come back 


@mypqcemylqne you took it better than anyone else did you're a true friend 


@seungminsrat aww.... I'm pretty sure when Im going to post this comment, you already uninstalled wattpad but then again you're gonna download it back anyways. oh and please take a rest on whatever you are doing, i know it might be really important but overworking yourself is bad so please take care of yourself.. stay at home! get cozy and live your life! be safe everyone!! :) <3