
*Post a comment with my opinion in it knowing people will disagree* 
          	*Deletes it bc I have a fear of confrontation and will cry if I get yelled at in a comment section*


I am done with silence. I don’t like politics being brought onto this app but I will speak my opinion. I don’t know if this will reach anyone but I will try. 
           I stand with Israel. Hamas is a terrorist group that has killed thousands and thousands of Jews and have stated to wanting to wipe them off the planet. They stood with Hitler with the Genocide of the Jewish people. 
          The media spreads lies making Palestine as the victims when for hundreds of years they have attacked and killed Jews without consequences and I am tired of no one seeing that. 
          If Palestine stopped fighting, there would be peace. If Israel stopped fighting, every single Jew would be wiped off. 
          I don’t stand with the Israel government but I stand with my religion and not with a terrorist group. 
          If you would like to have a conversation about this I am open to that but if you start throwing nasty words without good evidence then you don’t know the facts. 
          Thank you.


@Goldenmokingjay It’s alright! I’ve also been overloaded with school and extracurriculars. I hope you’ve been well also!! :D


@schoolbookworm101  so sorry I've not got back 2 u, after holidays schooling started back up and im swamped but hope you've been good :))


Hello I need book suggestions, mainly with bada$$ blonde females. 
          Look, I love all book characters but out of all the books I’ve read I can name about three blonde female main characters.
           I love Annabeth to death but I need another character I can cosplay as without having the darken my hair 
          Please and thank you have a wonderful day :)


I’m more so looking for realistic books then fantasy since I’ve already displayed as Sophie Foster (kotlc) and Annabeth