
I normally update Eclipsed at 8 am PT on Fridays, but it should be up a lil later today. Sometimes, life’s just like that! ‍♀️


I had the pleasure of being interviewed as part of the BCM program! Feel free to give it a look, and definitely check out the mentorship program!


@wildfirehoney Thanks! How the heck are you?


A Slip of the Hand got overhauled this morning. It used to be ~82k words, and now it's ~88.5k. Some parts were expanded. Others were tightened. A couple chapters were reimagined a bit (I'm looking at you, Chapters 6, 20, and 22). It's still the same story, just (imho) an improved version. A HUGE thank you to @MiniMoxx for helping me focus my edits!
          There will undoubtedly be some further tweaking this weekend, but nothing too major (I think?). I'm not saying I'll never edit it again, but this is all I can get done before the Watty's close, so this is how it'll exist for the time being. Besides, I'm having too much fun writing Eclipsed to keep messing with ASotH!
          Speaking of Eclipsed, Chapter 13 is live!


@scarlettrosestories AHHHH Im so so excited to reread it! Never have to thank me, I'm SO thankful you decided to apply to BCM so I got the chance to read it and help out! It's one of my genuine favourite books! It deserves to win the Wattys!


I just completed A Slip of the Hand. I should have waited until I had more time to craft a meaningful message to express my gratitude for being a passenger on this journey, your first story for WP. 
          ASOTH was perfect. Thank you for creating a healthy, sexy, and sweet relationship between the main couple. 
          Thank you for using your talent for writing to create this universe! You have made me a fan for life! 


Thank you so, so much! This message means the world to me ❤️❤️❤️. I hope you’ll join me for Eclipsed!


Me every week: “Wow, I can’t believe I edited that chapter until literally the last minute before it went live. Good thing I won’t have to do that next week because the chapter’s basically ready to go!”
          Chapter 11 of Eclipsed is up! I could’ve kept editing this chapter for months because I was having fun with it, but man, I’ll never finish the book if I spend so much time on my COMPLETED chapters! 


@wildfirehoney yep yep yep! And then the chapter gets longer, and then I have more words to read through each time I tell myself it’s the final pass. 


Every. Time.  :’) 
            (And the more you write the better you get at editing, so you notice more errors and edit for longer, and then you get better at writing, which makes your editing better again, and then…)