
‘Bloody lips’ is an amazing book. I love it and so happy you started writing. If it’s okay I was wondering if you could keep writing on it. It’s great and I don’t mean to pressure you into doing something you don’t want to. I just think it has great potential and would love to continue to read it. 


I will be updating!! Just in a stressful time of life right now while traveling for work. Thank you for your feedback. It helps motivate and show me who are interested in my book! I will make it a plan to pursue! Thank you all luv 


How's the progress going and hope you have or had a great day


Got food poisoning yesterday so I was down a while I am currently finishing up another chapter right now. Thank you for your patience 


Thank you! I hope u did aswell! It’s going good I got stuck up last night while I was writing I’m working on the rest of it and in hopes to publish tonight. If not tonight tomorrow for sure!! Thanks for ur support!❤️