
when you were going to start writing today but your internet provider is down across the country


Hello Hello everyone! I have an announcement for today
          1. I will be rewriting Love of the Earth in the future because I started two years ago and absolutely hate my writing now. I will leave the old book up so you can read it but it'll be a makeover, changing the story a bit, etc. 
          2. I have a Pinterest so you can see my inspiration pictures for some of my ocs (as well as future ocs for books that haven't been written yet) you can access via the link tree in my bio


Life Update: my summer holidays are officially over, And I'm moving into year 11, which is exciting but kinda scary. I have a few chapters pre-written for all of you which will be posted in the coming weeks.
           I also have a new book in the works however it may be a while before that is even out because school will only get more difficult from here on and it is also in its very early stages but I promised my friends I would write it so you know it will be out at some point.
          I have found an old google drive of about 6 fanfiction plans that never saw the light of Wattpad the other day and so I have a lot of lovely things if I ever need inspiration for a new book. Anyway, Love you all, hope you're doing well, just thought I'd update you where I am at rn. Have a good one <3


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I forgot to say this yesterday so i will today: Happy new year everyone! I hope you all use this opportunity as a fresh start to work on yourself & improve your health & well-being. Heres to 2022 may it be better than the shit show that was 2021