

Hey dear, Sorry for posting here without your permission but if your time allows then do give my story ‘Twist In Destiny’ a chance. As I am a new and inexperienced writer, your support would mean a lot to me. 


If 18+ n Dark IndianLoveStory Lover??
          Check this out...
          ???A Cruel immoral fall in love with Moral.
          Tapish Adyanthaya-- was a world that didn't seek light in eyes; it turned light into a blindfold, calling it a game of until she entered his life. She was born into a world that made him, yet she stood far from its center.
          Sahej Luthra-- there was only one thing that set her apart from the people of her world, and that was her morals. Then one day, she encountered a person who would challenge her moral values.
          . . . . ╰──╮ꨄ︎╭──╯ . . . .
          Look at you, how you're breathing and trembling in need-craving my touch,"
          "Shut up, Tapish"
          "Then Shut me Up"
          Dark •Pleasure •Pain •Love •Romance •Action •Drama •Mystery •Suspense •Secrets •Fights 
          [ Tropes ]
          Moral Vs Immoral
          Billionaire Vs Billionaire
          Canvas Vs Crimson
          Principles Vs Desire
          Cranberry Vs Red Wine


Thank you so much for reading and voting on my book. Would love to hear some feedback.. hope you enjoyed it.


@_a_dhya aww.. that's sweet. The second part is up. Theird is about to come. I'll looking forward to hearing from you.


@himani1411 your story is splendid i literally cried reading it