
Hi guys!!
          I'd like to appreciate if you give a try to my new book. It's my first time writing one so there are many ways i can improve. Your suggestions are valuable. 
          Book: Love the way you lie.




I just wanted to say thanks for always uploading Godly Empress Doctor! It's my favorite novel and I'm not familiar with where to find the original source much less translations! They're great quality and I'm so thankful to you for consistently posting the chapters for everyone to read and spreading the story!
          Can I ask where you're sourcing the original story from? I want to support the author but I am not familiar if there's a legitimate source they're posting on. 


@samantharenee ooo I see, well thank you for sharing anyways. What I thought you were doing was translating via MTL then cleaning up the grammar and that takes a lot of work. Usually I see that happen because typing 100% translation is a lot of work!
            Thank you for sharing your sources though!!! 


@Korrisan01 I'm not translating it myself, I don't know enough Mandarin for that. I have found two sites that it is on. One is translated very well and the other is really badly translated and hard to understand sometimes. The one that is badly translated has more uploaded. 
            this one is the good translation. 
            this one is the badly translated one. 
            I wanted to upload it here because when I started to read it the first time I had a really hard time trying to find the full story. So I wanted to make it easier for other people to read.


I love this book, I really do. It is my favourite book of all time. The story is wonderful, a simp for the mc and I don't really mind the long chapters, love plenty chapters. I love the misunderstanding like even the heavens want them to be together. But I hate ml, what kind of a narcissistic idiot is that. I know that you have the mentality that everyone is in love with you or adores you but some people have bigger problems than getting involved with a narcissistic prince. Like how does the love even work, you fell in love with her because of her awesomeness right, but you bully her setting her in difficult positions and gets angry if anyone helps or by her own abilities or if she does not come to you specifically to fix the problem? Does that sound same to you! I would have preferred if you just left her alone because she is getting targeted because of you. It would have been better if she could just get her cultivation back, save her master and live a happy life with her family that is what would have happened if she hadn't met you at all.And what is with that love trial system that ships them. It would have been better if she ended up with Feng Xun or Yu Mingye, they aren't as strong as the ml but they treat her well nevertheless and they treat her like human being respecting her boundaries instead of just justifying forcing yourself on her but no you have the world 's blessings with everything that she needs being in your hands and you bully her because it. It is totally unfair, I hope some reincarnator comes and whoop your ass. 


@zui2022 it didn’t bother me. In fact I tend to agree with you about the Prince. I just wanted to make sure you knew I am not the author of the story 


I know and I am really sorry if this bothered you, I was angry with the story generally, I was not targeting you. Really sorry for disturbing you 


@zui2022 I am not the original writer of that story. I just wanted to make it to where there was an English translation of it available to anyone that wanted to read it.