
New chapter for Yes Master 2 is almost done! I should have it published by the end of the week. 


Hello everyone! Sorry it’s taken a bit longer than I promised to update Yes Master 2. I do have good news though! I am about to finish a new part. Expect it out either tonight or tomorrow. It won’t be the most exciting chapter ever but I think you guys will like it :)
          Thank you again for all of your patience and support!


Adding on to my previous post, I’ve been going through a lot and I thought I would share it with you all. Not trying to trauma dump tho lol just ranting.
          Basically, to list out all of the stuff I’ve been dealing with this past year, my parent’s health is declining, I got a new job, I lost several friends, I’ve been dealing with depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts (which has been making it difficult to write and be productive) I’ve been having issues with alcohol abuse, dating troubles and self esteem. So yeah, I’ve been dealing with a lot. But I want to start writing again. I want to at least use my pain that I’m dealing with to write. Also, writing makes me feel good. I’m happy to entertain people. Thank you to everyone who has stuck around despite my problems with updating stories. I love you all!


Hi all! It’s been a while, huh? Anyway, I am still writing, i just took a long break lol. Been dealing with a lot of personal stuff. But I am writing again! I’m not sure if I’m going to finish Yes Master 2 unless you guys want me to finish it. I honestly feel like it’s just not getting views and it’s not worth all the effort. But if you want me to continue, just let me know and I will! I’m always happy to please my fans. I am working on a new story right now. A Spiderman story. This might be the last story I write on here because I feel like I’m getting too old to write fanfics  or maybe not lol. I have been doing this since 2013. But yeah, look forward to the new story! I should start publishing it within the next month or so. I’m still in the process of working out details and brainstorming some parts. Thanks for being patient with me everyone ❤️


Sorry it’s taking so long to finish Yes Master 2. Writers block sucks. In the meantime, I’ve been working on other stories, trying to get the gears in my brain moving.
          I’m thinking about publishing a short story I wrote back in October. It’s an Outlast fanfiction. For those of you who don’t know, Outlast is a horror video game. I’ve never played it because I have been too scared to lol. It is amazing though and so is its dlc and sequel. The music is fantastic (I listen to it when brainstorming scary scenes), the story is interesting but leaves a lot of questions unanswered. Since The Outlast Trials, the prequel to Outlast, just released, I think this would be a great time to publish it! I just need to do some revisions. I’m hoping to publish the whole story in the next week or two. I hope some of you will check it out and show it some love.
          Also, I have begun writing a Spider-Man fanfiction! It is still in the early drafting stages but it will be coming this summer! I cannot wait for you all to read it. I will be looking forward to your funny comments :)


I’m getting real close to the end of Yes Master 2. I have a new story planned once it is finished. I’ve already started working on it! It is going to be a Spider-Man story. Tobey Maguire Spider-Man because he is my favorite one. I’ve wanted to write one for a while and I’m finally doing it!