
Guys, my friend need 60 people. 
          I don't know why she needs it but she needs it and she's important to me.
          60 people. 1000 words per person which would mean 60,000 words in a novel and then that would mean a novel completed. 
          So please, guys! 
          This project is going to be in a google doc. If you're interested, PM me her your email, and she'll give you the doc.
          It would definitely make for a cool project, right?. . and you would only have to write 1000 words! Plus, you get to make friends ;)
          Her thing is @maskedechandalux and PM her alright!


@SlytherinForever Yes, you're right. I know, some Slytherin must've felt the hate for Umbridge like the other houses, yes? But then again, I think the only ones who didn't get detention with her were Slytherins and Ravenclaws, because they're smart enough to know her power, and to what extents she could go to act on it. In a way that brings out our cunning and shrewd side, but then again, it really was the smartest thing to do. As Hermione and Ron didn't know what Harry was going through till he told them, I think mostly everyone didn't, except the people in detention. Oh, my god, yes! Always, always does Slytherin lose. In a way, you're right about that, but one must be given a choice. They weren't. They never were. 


@SlytherinForever Oh my god, yes! I then make it a point to act more evilly and rudely to the people in question, you know...
          If us Slytherins can be nice to Hufflepuffs without making fun of them, why can't people be nice to us? 
          And have you noticed there's always been animosity between the three houses and Slytherins in the books, too? I hated it when McGonagall asked Filch to escort the Slytherins to the dungeons. Come on lady, how do you know for sure everyone was against Potter?