
Hi everyone!!!!
          	I'm back and this time with a new Instagram account for the book updates. I'm trying to start another book soon. The prologue has been written  and will be posted ASAP. For more updates follow mw on Instagram and threads.
          	Account name: rxvenwritez
          	I'm on Instagram as @rxvenwritez. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=prptynuxb3ve&utm_content=ui9l3m4


Hi everyone!!!!
          I'm back and this time with a new Instagram account for the book updates. I'm trying to start another book soon. The prologue has been written  and will be posted ASAP. For more updates follow mw on Instagram and threads.
          Account name: rxvenwritez
          I'm on Instagram as @rxvenwritez. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=prptynuxb3ve&utm_content=ui9l3m4


My exam starts in two days and I'm losing my mind...


@lookinatyourxeyes minea starts on 7th and imma go crazy by then 