
overwhelmed with how many of you have reached out to me in the past year to express your continued love for my work. even though i am currently unpublished, i hope that will change soon. i'm thinking of hosting a subscription on instagram in the new year for those of you that would like to keep updated/see exclusive snippets of my work, including work i've never published before. please dm me if you're interested or follow me @amaris.poetry ! happy holidays <3


@rottenlyrosy oh im just seeing this today bc i haven’t been here in a while i’m so glad for this development  followed right away :,)


the best christmas present, thank u!


@rottenlyrosy / oh, in that case, that's amazing!! thank you for the information 


I read The Filthy Golden years ago and it imprinted in my mind FOR LIFE, for some reason it took a lot for me to find you and I'm finally here seeing that you're looking to get published and I'm very happy about it, I will definitely be reading anything you put out.
          Take care! xoxo


overwhelmed with how many of you have reached out to me in the past year to express your continued love for my work. even though i am currently unpublished, i hope that will change soon. i'm thinking of hosting a subscription on instagram in the new year for those of you that would like to keep updated/see exclusive snippets of my work, including work i've never published before. please dm me if you're interested or follow me @amaris.poetry ! happy holidays <3


@rottenlyrosy oh im just seeing this today bc i haven’t been here in a while i’m so glad for this development  followed right away :,)


the best christmas present, thank u!


@rottenlyrosy / oh, in that case, that's amazing!! thank you for the information 


immensely sad to see your wonderful work unpublished as I came to Wattpad once again just to read your amazing works and found them unpublished. just so you know, your work inspired many. they evoked a rare kind of radiance, a certain honeyed warmth through the magic threads of your word building. you may not know me as I was your silent reader, but now that you know, we never stopped loving your amazing poetry. they'll reside in our hearts forever and ever. lots of love, hugs and best wishes (chocolates too ❤️)


@seven_hues thank you for making my day. hearing testimonies such as yours about the impact of my work means the world. i am grateful for all my readers, even the silent ones. i hope to be able to share my work publicly again someday, if you'd be interested in purchasing any of my works once they are published let me know <3 let's stay in touch


it’s been a while i’ve opened this app but you were the first account i went to check up on. saddened to see that your works were unpublished :( although i can’t remember the titles (disappointed in myself) i know your books have a special place in my heart i hope you’ve been doing amazing loves


@angeiji i so appreciate you coming on here and expressing this. the continued support i receive from wonderful readers like yourself motivates me to keep writing, and to one day publish. thank you so much for your love, i hope to one day share my writing with you again <3


Israel is an apartheid, settler colonial ethno-state committing mass war crimes. It is not anti-Semitic to say bombing hospitals and refugee camps are unspeakable acts against humanity; what is anti-Semitic is claiming the deaths of thousands of children is tantamout to Jewish welfare. End the Nakba, Ceasfire Now. Free Palestine ️


  thank you, beloved <3 


FREE PALESTINE plus I hate how they violate more than 20 of the 614 Jewish laws (which causes G-d to partly forsake the Jewish people) 


saddened to see your works unpublished as i’ve rediscovered wattpad and you’re the first author that came whose works i want to read again. i loved the intimacy and warmth in your writing and i hope to see your works published soon so i can be mesmerized by your writing once again. filthy golden and the moon & the sea hold such a dear place in my heart. hope you’re doing well !! ౨ৎ


thank you so much for your kind words. i hope to share my work again soon with wonderful readers like you. sending love <3 