
ok reading fanfics at 3am while listening to sad music is actually amazing i high suggest>>>


hey yall we just hit 2k reads on The Perfect Us!! thank yall so much for the love and support you've been giving me, even though I haven't actually updated the story line, i'm finishing the last couple gap chapters, and should have an actual update by the end of june!!


Blasting 80s music through the house and dancing bc no one is home>>>>>>


@Val_Winston honeslty tho. like that was me 30 minutes ago. now i'm eating junk food and watching the lego movie


this message may be offensive
you don't really realize how fucked up a relationship was or how it fucked u up until u have a bit of ptsd from it. for example, today during lunch i was outside with some friends bc we needed to map out some things for a field day we're doing tmrw. well, one of my guy friends wanted to run to his car to grab sunglasses and an energy drink and he walked behind me, i quickly put my hands over my butt to cover it bc i thought he was gonna slap it. and i didn't do it bc i thought HE was gonna slap it, i did it bc my past relationship was so sexually abusive that i just thought it a guy walks behind me he'll slap my ass. it's a horrible way of thinking, of being treated, and i'm rly hoping that no one relates to this


so, i just got back from my track banquet for the end of the season and my dad wasn't rly happy with the jv award i got bc i didn't go to states. it's weird with him. whenever i do good and get lots of awards, he says "eh. that's nice" but when i don't do well, he's upset and calls me a failure. so when i do good it doesn't mean anything, but when i do bad it's the end of the world. nice to know


this is for my girlies who get rejected. this is for my girlies who are trying to fight. this is for my girlies who have made it. this is for my girlies who haven't made it yet. this is for all my girlies. fight. figure out a way to win, and win. did you know that when someone says "you fight like a girl" it's the highest compliment you could give someone? wanna know why? that's because we are so vicious. we know how to fight. teachers break up guy fights because they back down when they're off each other. they don't that with girl fights because nothing holds us back from what we want. if you want something, you want it bad enough to fight for it. fight and don't stop. because the second you stop is the second they win. and ladies, do we really want the guys to win? i mean, look at them. they could never compare to our beauty, our power. we are in control. we're taking the reins. we're fighting.


@rocketpandagurly456 i have never related to something more than this. Preach, sister❤️❤️❤️


so umm, i lowkey kinda forgot i had a youtube channel :') i'll post a bit this weekend yall i promise (here and youtube)


@rocketpandagurly456 girl i just went and watched all ur shorts and by far my fav has got to be steve and two singin drunk at 3am i was dyin 