
Decided I’m done with Twisted Bonds and will give an alternate ending to wrap things up!


Hi how are you? On my profile I translate stories from the platform with the author's authorization, showing all credits and not changing details. What do you think about "ENTWINED LIMBS" being translated into Brazilian Portuguese?


As long as my users credited in the description and first chapter.


Hi, I have a question! 
          On your other account at the end of Bucky's Girl it says that you posted a sequel by the name of Always Have Always Will but nobody can find it. 
          Where is it posted?


@Bbomb113   As I’ve stated on my old account I am locked out of the acct so I will not be able to do that.


@robbstark_ if you discontinued it that is 100% fair but please delete the chapter saying you have a continuation because people like me are finding it six years later and then being unable to finish the story in a satisfying way


It was discontinued I wrote that story years ago 


Updates are going to be slow you guys, I’m sorry I keep flip flopping around with new stories and then not updating, it’s a confusing time rn in my life and I’m dealing with personal things. So I can’t give exact times when I’ll update and i guess if I update. Another truth I’ve been struggling with is that I’m starting to grow out of wattpad. I’ve been on here for awhile, Insanity69 was my old account and I came here for a fresh start. Now that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped writing completely, I’ve just taken it to writing my own original work. I have a poetry book I’m writing and a novel with a short story on the side. If that’s something you’re interested in lmk and I’ll pm you details!


@robbstark_ That's completely OK take all the time you need.