
Oh, hi, Robin - I remember you!  Thanks for all the votes.  By the way, I know you've read "The Split Game" before, but it's quite different now - with lots of new stories inserted and stuff.  Anyway, good to see you again.


            Awesome, thanks :)


@FromtheBar Thank you! I am rereading it now! 


@RobinColemanBabbie   Hi again, Robin.  I'm so pleased that you're liking Risking All for Love.
          If the story seems authentic, it's because I set the story where I served as a Peace Corps teacher.
          I and so many others--Peace Corps, missionaries,  monks, nuns, aid workers, and former students--fell in love with Holy Cross Mission at Bolahun.
          Many of my experiences are woven into that story and A Girl Redeemed, which begins when Lisa is in high school and continues in Bolahun.
          Mother Elizabeth's character is inspired by Elizabeth Sele Mulbah, my former student, who risked her life repeatedly to bring the only medical care available in that area during the fighting during the Liberian Civil War.
          Thanks again.