
Just hit me.
          	Amazon’s ground coffee >>>> Starbucks ground coffee
          	Off I go to get myself another cup of coffee at 8:30 pm :)
          	And then I wonder why my sleep cycle is so messed up!


@vsadh067 I tried chai, just doesn’t cut it for me. Like my brain doesn’t function or something. :(


@vsadh067 Of course, they are so nice and warm and comfy. That’s my Sunday evening relaxation bev. As much as I love black coffee, I can’t stand black tea. And that’s another reason I can’t drink tea everyday. Just too much sugar that I know I will add to my tea XD


@riyaguha95 I love it... especially the ones made at home with masala milk and sugar.


Just hit me.
          Amazon’s ground coffee >>>> Starbucks ground coffee
          Off I go to get myself another cup of coffee at 8:30 pm :)
          And then I wonder why my sleep cycle is so messed up!


@vsadh067 I tried chai, just doesn’t cut it for me. Like my brain doesn’t function or something. :(


@vsadh067 Of course, they are so nice and warm and comfy. That’s my Sunday evening relaxation bev. As much as I love black coffee, I can’t stand black tea. And that’s another reason I can’t drink tea everyday. Just too much sugar that I know I will add to my tea XD


@riyaguha95 I love it... especially the ones made at home with masala milk and sugar.


IDK why people are complaining about Bridgerton S3. It was so fluff and nice and lovely. I can’t believe I have to wait so long for S4.
          Any Bridgerton admirers here?
          Please excuse me while I cry over the cuteness of Polin in a corner and make myself a cup of tea.


@Abhilipsa99 Never read the books, so all’s a blank canvas for me. I loved this season more than the others. I was not happy with S2 at all


@riyaguha95 as a book fan of Bridgerton I must admit that I was super disappointed to be honest with what they did to Francesca's love interest. Hope they don't ruin benedict's as well.


@chaashnee I kinda liked Colin’s character. Could’ve been better, yes, but amongst all the three leads till now, I liked him the most. Unpopular opinion, but I am not an Anthony fan at all, so when comparing to him, Colin seemed like a breath of fresh air.
            Featheringtons have always been my fav with their fight to survive in the society. Their portrayal is so apt! I was waiting to see Debling and Cressida, idk why that didn’t happen. But then Cressida got the chance to shine, Ig
            Oh my! I loved Cressida’s character too! She is doing what anyone in her position would do to survive. And her gowns were :*. Especially the red one she wore to the party the queen attended. It was gorgeous!
            I was not very fond of Eloise this season as opposed to how I was a fan in S1, S2. But then she is also a human. Can’t wait for S4!


Sometimes I am so disappointed in myself. I have so many plots brewing in my mind, but I rarely ever manage to clear my schedule enough to sit down and write. I  want to work hard towards my career goals, but at the same time, I want to pursue all my hobbies(which are too many in number). 2 days of the weekend are never enough to reset and do everything I want to :(


@HumbleWinner That is interesting!
            I second you. Sometimes, I feel I am losing myself when working towards my career. It’s good but other things matter too for our own mental health and wellbeinh


@riyaguha95 i am pursuing my phd in zoology. My domain is entomology (study of insects) and I working over insects that can be used as a biological control agents in Integrated Pest Management.
            Despite, I love whatever I am doing yet, at times, it gets so strenuous that I just want to leave everything and sleep.
            There's no work-life balance.


@shreyag91 Aww you are one of my fav readers too❤️❤️


Gonna rant a bit today which I have never done before on this platform.
          I wonder why more and more Wattpad(or even other platforms) stories are romanticizing abuse, and who on Earth thinks this is a cool topic to write on and who on Earth thinks that is a hip story to read. Shame on such authors and shame on such readers. Shame on those readers as well, yes, because they are empowering the utterly crappy mindset of such writers.
          And why on Earth are such authors justifying their horrific and poorly imagined, poorly written, and absolutely pathetic stories! Like, fr, stop justifying everything in the name of fiction. Abuse is not cool: sexual, emotional, physical. Doesn’t matter. You can’t romanticize it, and if you find it romantic enough to write a “love story” out of it, trust me bro, you need help. Go visit a therapist.
          Oh, and if you think it’s your story and you can write whatever the heck you want, spare a moment to think how many impressionable young people you are influencing. But then I believe such mentality won’t be healed at all no matter how many people rant over here. So, can’t stress it enough, if anyone finds abuse romantic even remotely, GO FIND A THERAPIST. YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED HELP. 
          And stop writing pointless crap. 


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@shreyag91 Aww you are sweet. Yeah, bullshit indeed. I second you. I wonder how can anyone, especially a woman, imagine such ghastly stories with no redemption for the MC. They are doing an injustice to both genders by portraying their sick mentality. But then, often times, I wonder if that’s what they see their homes, you know. That would be so sad, and I don’t want to imagine how traumatizing that must be as a teen or even an adult


this message may be offensive
@riyaguha95 that is why I was grateful when I found you here. Romantic novels these days are immature and bullshit


@riyaguha95 I have planned to watch Never Have I Ever after getting a Netflix account. And, I'll check out Nancy Drew's books as well. ❤️❤️


Mango season is upon us! I got two boxes yesterday, and from today, every meal is going to have at least one mango. I am not going to count the calories from the fruit. 
          Any mango lovers here? I am a fanatic fan ;)


@riyaguha95  Sadly didn't got much Ratnagiri Hapus mangoes this year but we recently brought Devgad Hapus and Kesar one's and they are tasty af...and aamras is loveeee (but nothing can beat Ratnagiri Hapus though) 


@HOE-GOD-MOTHER Aww I miss home now. We have a mango tree in our campus, but it’s not the usual varieties. They are smaller in size but so tasty. And aamras is super yum. I am drooling rn


I am back early!!! Many things worked out in my favor, and though I still need to hustle more and more, I think I can unwind with Wattpad after the whirlwind of a week I just had. It’s a long weekend too, and I have zero plans of going anywhere. So… expect updates!!


Yayyyyy! Glad to see you back here. Enjoy your long weekend :)


Heya, folks! Just a quick announcement. I won’t be able to update the books I have for a couple of weeks. A massive deadline coming up at work, and I need to hustle. I will be logging off today and be back in two(at max three) weeks, after which I will resume updating. Sorry for the delay!


@riyaguha95 intezaar rahega apka ❤️


Hello Riya ji! I've been a huge (albeit silent) fan of your Bhangarh story! I had to log off from Wattpad for a few years due to personal reasons but now that I'm here, I can't help but notice that one of your works (the Agra based one) has disappeared from your profile! :(
          Have you perhaps deleted the book for editing purposes? If so, can you please let me know when you will be uploading it later? Thanks! 


@Trista41 I am glad you liked the story so much, and trust me when I say this, you are going to LOVE the rewritten version even more. Devansh will be meaner and more manipulative, Radhika will be sweeter and bolder, and Advait will be more dashing ;)


@Trista41 First of all, thank you for responding! 
            Ah, I see. The story was already amazing though, with a well written plot and characters, but I trust your judgement. 
            Please take your time and publish Agra Diaries as soon as you can. And don't forget to take care of yourself too! 
             I'll be waiting! :) 


Heya! Thanks for reading my books. Even I was largely absent from Wattpad for a few years and came back recently to continue my writing journey. Yes, I have taken down Agra Diaries because I wanted a better power packed plot on it, and I have some nice and cool ideas for that story that I want to implement. So, that’s under restructuring and rewriting. I will publish the brand new version towards the later part of the year once I am done with the reimagined plot ;)


Hey, sorry to disturb you
          Actually your profile caught my attention and I explored and saw you're author of Haunted fortress of bhangarh. I really want to read that book as soon as possible
          It's nice to see authors actually focusing on writing different things in historical fiction instead of cliched smuts. I would like to contact you in Instagram! Because I'm finding authors like these in Indian community, hope you won't mind


@JohanLiebert33 Strangely, I see the same for you. There is no option to message :(


@riyaguha95  umm I can't message you because I can only see following button in your ID
            Can you pls send me a hi? My ID is @Writings.at.peak 


Hey, so glad to know that! You can find me on riyaguha95_ on Insta. I haven’t actually started posting stuff on this profile about my books. Will start soon, but I totally agree with what you said. Wattpad on the Indian side has become too full of cliches and smut, and I hope people start becoming creative than peddle the same repetitive story. Lol!