My name is Riot. I LOVE Hello Kitty and Batman. I am the 6th kid out of 9. My mom let me name my baby brother after Ashley Purdy. All of my brothers and sisters have weird names. We are all 'emo' not ashey though. I have long ebony black hair in a scene hair cut, brown eyes, I'm really pale, I'm short but skinny. I'm in a band named Forgive me not. I can play bass guitar and the drums. I'm in bassist in my band. I'm 13. I'm in the 8th grade. My favorite bands are bvb fir mcr botdf ptv. My band is made up of 5 people I'm the only girl in it. I live in L.A. My mom has taken me to vb concerts since I was 1. I'm a REALLY BIG PURDY GIRL!!!!! My favorite store is Hot Topic. I have snakebites my tongue spiderbites and my nose done. I think I have 34 tattoos I have all of bvb signatures tattooed on my forearm. I smoke cigarettes. I love peanut butter and bubblemint gum.
  • BergabungJuly 11, 2014