
I'm sure all of you have been waiting for my updates for The Age of Villains. I'm here to inform you that I will NOT be discontinuing the story but taking a brief hiatus from it. I currently have major writers block for that story but I will post the chapter I have done. I have also been working on a BTS story that I hope you guys will also enjoy. I will post that here shortly so stay tuned. I do apologize for making you guys wait for so long for updates but I just want the chapters to be worthy of reading. Thank you for sticking by me!


@rilesley your chapters are always worthy!


I'm sure all of you have been waiting for my updates for The Age of Villains. I'm here to inform you that I will NOT be discontinuing the story but taking a brief hiatus from it. I currently have major writers block for that story but I will post the chapter I have done. I have also been working on a BTS story that I hope you guys will also enjoy. I will post that here shortly so stay tuned. I do apologize for making you guys wait for so long for updates but I just want the chapters to be worthy of reading. Thank you for sticking by me!


@rilesley your chapters are always worthy!


For everyone who follows and enjoys The Winter Witch series, I have an announcement to make. I haven’t updated in a while because I honestly just haven’t felt like writing these past few months. That has changed though. I will start writing again and post updates very soon. Stay tuned!


Wait, are you actually Olsen on iFunny? That's awesome! I've been following you for a few weeks now, I didn't realize :3


@MaximoffsGirl Oh! I know exactly who you are ☺️


@MarveledWanda I think I just have the same name as I do on here, either that or marveltrash007


@MaximoffsGirl Yes, I am Olsen on iFunny! Who might you be, if I may ask? 