
Recently, our Righttoread teammate and friend Alyssa had been going through hard times. She had been since she was diagnosed with cancer a few years back. In the past few months her condition had worsened. Sadly, she passed away on 18th of August. She had a wonderful soul and was one of the most beautiful people I ever met. Had a heart of gold. Her smile didn't falter even when she was at her deathbed. She was a warrior. She will always reside in our hearts and will always be remembered.
          	R.I.P Alyssa


@righttoread I'm so very sorry for your loss. be strong and know we all love you.


Recently, our Righttoread teammate and friend Alyssa had been going through hard times. She had been since she was diagnosed with cancer a few years back. In the past few months her condition had worsened. Sadly, she passed away on 18th of August. She had a wonderful soul and was one of the most beautiful people I ever met. Had a heart of gold. Her smile didn't falter even when she was at her deathbed. She was a warrior. She will always reside in our hearts and will always be remembered.
          R.I.P Alyssa


@righttoread I'm so very sorry for your loss. be strong and know we all love you.