
Hannah is back as Hannah14gddh go block her


Oop- nvm guys misunderstanding, they're still a troller though


I have a friend who keeps saying really inappropriate and annoying things. Today in science we got to eat oreos and he said, "Your eating cum, that's how non bi you are" I then got really mad and asked him if he knew what bisexual meant and he said "yeah, I'm bisexual" so I asked if he knew what it meant again and he just nodded and then I finally yelled bisexuals are atracted to men. This isn't the first time he's said something like this about my sexuality help.


@rickriordanisatroll ty for the follow <3
            The immature boys (no offense boys) tend to say stuff like this, the best thing to do is roll ur eyes and just ignore it. If u start being blackmailed or bullied do to ur sexuality that's when u should tell a trusted adult.


@rickriordanisatroll no I get this a lot. A lot of my guy friends do this. Most of them never do stuff that pushes it but one guy always has to make it weird and use it as like an insult


Does anyone else think that Taylor Hernandez and Piper McLean are the exact same person but in different universes?


@rickriordanisatroll ... Stop ur making me contemplate things I thought I didn't need to contemplate 


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Walker Scobell is going to fucking find me


@rickriordanisatroll Kraft mac’n cheese… if u don’t like it I will f*cking find u


@TheresaRansomwood I found out it's 10 times better once it's been reheated and it won't taste like a two year old made it, trust me, your not missing out on much.


@rickriordanisatroll lol I'm lactose intolerant. And gluten intolerant lol. So I physically can't 


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This fucking bitch had the audacity to tell my friend that my friend wasn't a real Christian. I really wanted to confront her about it but my friend said that all the drama with her friend group finally went away and she doesn't want any more.  The same bitch also told me that I wasn't blonde, I was dirty blonde, and I said that's literally just a type of blonde, and she went "no, blondes are lighter." Then next class I asked her if she thought I was a fake blonde and this mother fucker went "I didn't say you weren't blonde, I said you were a different type of blonde." Also she's OBSESSED with her grades, like, calm down, were literally in yr 7. Every time there's a group project she goes, "were going to get an A, we must get an A, it's the most important thing in the world" and continues to say things like that throughout the entire thing. She's had a crush on this boy all year now, and she always goes "he's just my friend" when she only talks and thinks about him. She went BALLISTIC when she found out my friend failed, she went "girl, you can not be failing and skipping classes" first of all, my friend skipping class was a joke, and so what if we fail, it's YEAR SEVEN! We're not even in high school according America. Then i said so what if she fails, we're not even in yr 8, and she goes,"it's okay to fail, I just sometimes sound mean because of my monotone voice" Bitch you don't have a monotone voice. She also keeps saying "girl code" for the stupidest things that aren't even girl code. And this girl is getting A's in math, the highest I've managed without cheating was a middle C, and the lowest a very low D, and in English we had a presentation and she keeps on asking me if I'm ready and I kept saying yes, and then she couldn't read a number that was in the millions, she said "im not even going to try that" and our classmates were literally correcting her. We definitely got marked down for this. This is the 2'nd time I've ranted about her, help.


@HvfflepvffHalfBlooD wait I just realised we're both in Australia too


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@rickriordanisatroll I got One Girl in my Class ,that is like that and she is Russian and thinks Putin is good 
             She is so annoying 
            Always Talks about her Boyfriend ( they got an on off Relationship)
            Now she broke up with him again ,because she said He Acts Gay 
            Like Girl What the Fuck !
            I feel you  ,i feel you 


A lot of people's lullaby was rock a bye a baby, or twinkle twinkle little star. Mine? Mine was Down Under by men at work


@rickriordanisatroll I LOVE THAT SONG 
            I didn’t have a lullaby 


@rickriordanisatroll mine was Let's Get Back To Business from Mulan 