
Hey everyone!
          	So, I know I haven’t posted on Royal for a long time. I’m actually working on some new ideas. Right now it’s all in the worldbuilding stage, and I dont even have a plotline or even a protagonist, but I’m doing my best to outline as much as I possibly can. I’m getting better with every project! Maybe I can actually finish this one... 


Hey everyone!
          So, I know I haven’t posted on Royal for a long time. I’m actually working on some new ideas. Right now it’s all in the worldbuilding stage, and I dont even have a plotline or even a protagonist, but I’m doing my best to outline as much as I possibly can. I’m getting better with every project! Maybe I can actually finish this one... 


Hello everyone! 
          So, its April. This month, I am participating in the National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, as it’s abbreviated. That means that I will be trying to finish Royal in a month. I will probably be writing like a crazy fool, but I won’t be posting anything because it will be completely raw and unedited. I plan on editing and posting when everything is completely done. Just wanted to let everyone know!


Hey guys!
          Long time no see, huh? I've been pretty busy with sophomore year. Anyway, I've been working pretty hard on this new project, Fate. It all started a month or two ago when I had a really weird dream that I was destined to fight this man in order to save the world. When I woke up, I almost immediately thought to myself: That would make a wonderful plot!
          I've been working hard to plan and outline this newest project, and I'm really excited about it. A book trailer will be coming soon. I just need to post it on Youtube and get the video credits written so it isn't taken down lol. 
          Anyway, please check out Fate's prologue and leave a comment of your thoughts! I am so excited to be sharing this with you all!


          Lately, I've been getting a lot of requests to update update update Splashflights Mistake. 
          The thing is, I really do love yours guys' comments and feedback, but when it's just asking for an update it kind of disappoints me because there isnt anything for me to interact with... I LOVE interacting with all of you!!!
          Also, you guys, I've been focusing much much more on Dragon Born than SM, and I can pretty much guarantee that DB will be updated much more often than SM, because, at this point, SM is more of a side project than anything. 
          On top of all that, I mean... Guys... I have a life. I'm a high schooler, finals are this week, and I have a family that likes to spend time with me. You have to understand that I can't spend all my time on Wattpad, as much as I live it, because I do have a busy life!!! I just wanted to remind all of you that I really love your comments and feedback and reactions, but please stop asking for updates. Thanks. 