
Hey guys I need help from anyone in China who has a qq account. There is a novel called "pastoral honey pet: miracle doctor teases man to busy farming". Since I'm out of China, I can't read the whole novel.... Could someone please  please  MTL it and posted it here. I would really appreciate it. I tried to register to qq but it wouldn't work.... Doesn't accept my phone number since I'm not in china. 


Hey guys I need help from anyone in China who has a qq account. There is a novel called "pastoral honey pet: miracle doctor teases man to busy farming". Since I'm out of China, I can't read the whole novel.... Could someone please  please  MTL it and posted it here. I would really appreciate it. I tried to register to qq but it wouldn't work.... Doesn't accept my phone number since I'm not in china. 



Whats going on with wattpad, it's not working Right


@rejectedangel84 nah it was only on the day that I had posted that issue 


What the heck is wrong with wattpad??? It has gone greedy green monster! Paid stories..... Can't download unlimited stories anymore.... What the hell! 


@rejectedangel84 paid stories suck. You need to buy coins for them. Which I think is the alternative for money. There are some really good stories which get converted into paid ones. :(


I just have a question. We live in the 21st century yet lots of people make the lead female weak,  a person who forgives way too fast or too easily, she is always a virgin with player partners who also cheat...... Why? 
          Why not make the lead female strong, independent and a non virgin ( is didn't make her a slit/whore)? 
          Why not make a guy strong yet a virgin?
          Just to let you guys know, a female has more sexual needs than a guy ... Not the other way around. 
          Each story- fiction or nonfiction, sends the reader some message, what kinda message are you sending? 
          P.s. sorry turned out to be a few are questions than just a question 


Wow I thought I was the only one who wants to read strong FL stories . Idk y people don't make those types of stories . Hope such stories get more credit 


@rejectedangel84 Damn I strongly agree with you. I'm reading a book on Wattpad in which a girls who was bullied for her entire life, raped has forgiven her bully. It's so heart breaking. The book is not completed yet but the story is on the way to where it feels like they two will get together...  


@rejectedangel84 I swear I feel you! Like that's me after every damn story when the girl goes back to the guy......cmon women.....bitch up and value urself more!