
hi I love u all


Hi liv! I'm not sure if you really remember (if at all) but I remember you. & how you helped me through one of my worst panic attacks. That was almost two years ago but somehow we fell out of touch. We became friends on Twitter (idk) and dm'd a lot. I was just wondering if you are still on Twitter. 
          Xoxo, Hailey. 


@fairlyoddfangirl oh my god of course yes i'm still on twitter, i'm @cybervita, hope all is well at the moment xxxxx


hey guys, sorry I haven't updated 'psychedelic' in a bit, I've recently started school and as some of you know I haven't really been in the past year, so alls a bit overwhelming. we have our autumn break coming up this friday, so I'll try to have an update for saturday (it'll be in Alice's pov) x


hey little petals,
          sorry to disappoint but I am no longer continuing sculptures as I have a new book in the works and I'm not proud of the way it had been written from the start as it was a distraction - I want to put my full efforts into all my stories. as for LCA [lights, camera, action], it will be put on a hiatus in school terms and I will update as frequently as I can in the holidays because I know that's something you guys really like. if you really want a little hint of my new book, it will be called 'neon brainchild' so, take a few hints - it is a Troye fanfic, don't worry. 
          xx liv