
“COMING OF AGE” Chapter Twenty: The Last True Romance is available to read for free. 
          	Ryan and Cindy’s relationship takes a unexpected, but pleasurable turn as they both spend an evening together while under the influence of magic mushrooms. Their romantic night culminates in new highs as they both embrace in the most primal, but passionate of ways. 
          	I wanted to explore the intensity of Ryan and Cindy’s passion for each other. While some of this has been seen prior, this chapter gives a greater insight into their affection for each other. 
          	The heart of the story has always been Ryan and Cindy’s love. Though it a young, immature love, it is love none-the-less. These characters both have big hearts, albeit, ones that have been damaged.  Peeling back the layers of their trauma, they find their kindness, purity and tenderness underneath the wounds and bruises.
          	Its important to show that these characters are capable of love, especially in their world full of violence, addiction, and abuse. People are hardened by their dark pasts. They find it hard to separate the bad from the good in their lives. Its easy to let the darkness consume us, but even  young people have been through hell can find ways to express love to one another. Though this is a steamy chapter, I don’t consider it explicitly titillating. Its meant to show that people are capable of love, even love that comes from dark places.    
          	The following chapters will explore the downfall of this metaphorical and physical climax in Ryan and Cindy’s relationship. I won’t get into it now, but it was important that I show what Ryan and Cindy are capable of; the strength of their love and their ability to be vulnerable in a world that is cruel.  
          	If you like what you read, please subscribe and share with your friends. Your support is appreciated. 
          	All the best, 


“COMING OF AGE” Chapter Twenty: The Last True Romance is available to read for free. 
          Ryan and Cindy’s relationship takes a unexpected, but pleasurable turn as they both spend an evening together while under the influence of magic mushrooms. Their romantic night culminates in new highs as they both embrace in the most primal, but passionate of ways. 
          I wanted to explore the intensity of Ryan and Cindy’s passion for each other. While some of this has been seen prior, this chapter gives a greater insight into their affection for each other. 
          The heart of the story has always been Ryan and Cindy’s love. Though it a young, immature love, it is love none-the-less. These characters both have big hearts, albeit, ones that have been damaged.  Peeling back the layers of their trauma, they find their kindness, purity and tenderness underneath the wounds and bruises.
          Its important to show that these characters are capable of love, especially in their world full of violence, addiction, and abuse. People are hardened by their dark pasts. They find it hard to separate the bad from the good in their lives. Its easy to let the darkness consume us, but even  young people have been through hell can find ways to express love to one another. Though this is a steamy chapter, I don’t consider it explicitly titillating. Its meant to show that people are capable of love, even love that comes from dark places.    
          The following chapters will explore the downfall of this metaphorical and physical climax in Ryan and Cindy’s relationship. I won’t get into it now, but it was important that I show what Ryan and Cindy are capable of; the strength of their love and their ability to be vulnerable in a world that is cruel.  
          If you like what you read, please subscribe and share with your friends. Your support is appreciated. 
          All the best, 


“Coming of Age” Chapter Nineteen: In the Valley of Lost Children is now available to read for free. 
          In this chapter, we take a dive into the lives of many of the characters as they deal with the fallout from the block party. 
          I wrote In the Valley of Lost Children as a psychological profile on some of the main and supporting characters. One can argue its not necessary to read to understand the trajectory of where “Coming of Age” is heading, but I’d say differently. This is a valuable chapter; probably one of the most valuable ones I’ve written. It allows readers to understand secrets and details that haven’t been explored. It provides vital information on why some of the characters do what they do, how the feel, what’s going on in their heads, etc. 
          As someone who grew up around others engaged in crime, drugs, and general delinquent behavior, I’m not interested in condemning people who participate in these activities and substances. I’m interested in telling their stories and getting others to understand. These are not glamorous lives. None of the drug dealers live like Tony Montana from “Scarface”. They come from abuse, violence and trauma. They live in crappy apartments, surrounded by dangerous people. Their psychological make-up is greatly disturbed and tormented. I’m not in favor of giving them get out of jail free cards. I believe in law and order, but I also believe we have to understand our mistakes and others’ if we wish to stop bad things from happening. This is how we teach the generations that come after us. 
          I give you In the Valley of Lost Children not to pretentiously indulge you in my writing for the sake of it. I give you this chapter because I think the stories are relatable, the characters are people grounded from my own experiences, and that its important to know how someone with PTSD, depression, drug addiction, repressed sexuality, etc., thinks. Its through understanding we change. 
          All the best, 