
Anyone want their name to be used in any of the stories especially Quiet Nights? No clue when in the story the name would be used but I thought it’d be fun! If so either here or in the comments on the story leave the name and a small vague description of appearance and personality. I really want to get my readers involved since you’re a huge reason I write! 


Anyone want their name to be used in any of the stories especially Quiet Nights? No clue when in the story the name would be used but I thought it’d be fun! If so either here or in the comments on the story leave the name and a small vague description of appearance and personality. I really want to get my readers involved since you’re a huge reason I write! 


Wrong House fans chapter 12 will be out today 


@TikkaLove124 don’t be sorry. It happens. Thank you for reaching out! 


@ravennatheraven ok, first of all, it's good! Second, yeah, it was on my end. Sorry about that lol


@TikkaLove124 it might be on your end. A few people have liked the chapter so I’m fairly sure it’s up. If it keeps acting up I can post on tumblr as well 


this message may be offensive
I do promise I’m still here. Life really hit me hard and honestly I completely believe the fanfic writers curse. If you haven’t heard of it it’s where writers of fan fictions life suddenly goes to shit. I do have some chapters written for wrong house and seriously need to just sit down and edit them. 


Hello everyone. I am still writing. I recently lost my grandpa who was my best friend since birth. It’s greatly impacted me. I have through chapter 13 written for wrong house and just need to edit them. Quiet nights will be updated once I’m able to update wrong house some more