
I have a confession.
          	I've been learning how to edit covers and amv vids for these past few months, ever since I left my voicing career of Amy from my fellow discord ShadowDarkAngel crew friends; Everything grew grey and I had no friends except in Wattpad. Which I'm grateful for, thanks. 
          	I've noticed that everyone is learning to edit covers, and drawing fan art of every fictional crush you all have and I feel envious of how beautifully talented they are. *chuckles* And most of you are teenagers but sometimes they're adults on this website. We are all getting old yet, have souls of the young...


@raven121_u.  I... genuinely have no clue lol. I haven't (yet) tried to make fanfiction covers for others. But I guess we just have to ask them enough details about their book to have an idea about the vibe they're going for. The kind of aesthetic they prefer, the mood-boards of the main characters would be of great help. And also ask them if they have any preferable background pictures. The rest is totally up to your imagination. And don't worry if the first few attempts get rejected, ask them for another chance! You must have an idea about what they're going for after the rejected designs which might help you to design just what they want!


@No_JiminProtested btw I have a question, is it hard to make fanfic covers? Depending on others' tastes, how does one not get rejected?


Hey there my friend, it's been a while since last talk.
          I need i favor to ask if it's not a problem.
          I need you to ask who can adopt the storyline from Fanfiction.Net.
          "To Dance Among The Skies" by "Aerith The Evenstar"
          This is Transformers Armada (Unicron Trilogy series)
          Love story of Jetfire x OC (Valerie Smith)
          Valerie Smith is friends with Alexis and has always been fascinated by the sky, and is taking ballet lessons. But she finds a Mini-Con panel and everything to the point that it even changes her life in the process.
          Chapters:26 (Not complete there is only 3 chapters left to finish the storyline:
          - Union (Episode 50)
          - Origin (Episode 51)
          - Mortal Kombat (Episode 52 Final) 
          But the author haven't updated for years... Plus suppost to be sequels since it's Trilogy. Armada/Energon/Cybertron series with Valerie Smith.)


Did you tell your friend that need someone who can adopt the storyline?


Now that's better, i can see the author.
            Thank you!


Congratulations for getting 450 followers on Wattpad, sis!


I have a confession.
          I've been learning how to edit covers and amv vids for these past few months, ever since I left my voicing career of Amy from my fellow discord ShadowDarkAngel crew friends; Everything grew grey and I had no friends except in Wattpad. Which I'm grateful for, thanks. 
          I've noticed that everyone is learning to edit covers, and drawing fan art of every fictional crush you all have and I feel envious of how beautifully talented they are. *chuckles* And most of you are teenagers but sometimes they're adults on this website. We are all getting old yet, have souls of the young...


@raven121_u.  I... genuinely have no clue lol. I haven't (yet) tried to make fanfiction covers for others. But I guess we just have to ask them enough details about their book to have an idea about the vibe they're going for. The kind of aesthetic they prefer, the mood-boards of the main characters would be of great help. And also ask them if they have any preferable background pictures. The rest is totally up to your imagination. And don't worry if the first few attempts get rejected, ask them for another chance! You must have an idea about what they're going for after the rejected designs which might help you to design just what they want!


@No_JiminProtested btw I have a question, is it hard to make fanfic covers? Depending on others' tastes, how does one not get rejected?


Hi raven! How are you doing? Just stopped by to let you know requests are opening back up tomorrow; thought I should tell you in case you still want me to do the Husk imagine.
          Hope you’re doing well!
          -angie ❤️


@earth_angel17 Ok but also wanted to say, happy fathers day


@raven121_u I’m trying my best, I’ve got a few other things going on. It’ll be out soon


Everything is grey. How bittersweet it is to hear your mother rejecting the idea of you being different.
          When she shouted that she wanted Normal daughters, why hasn't she been allowed to confirm or tell us that we are a mistake?
          She got exposed by a professor that the mom is making her daughter's copy her style and but doesn't listen? Wtf! What kind of life does it have in store for me? 


@BlueJacket242 Really? That means so much to me, thank you *happy tear emoji*


If anyone has any wattpad friends who you all considered open graphic shop, let me know. Because I'm already wishing for someone to make a moodboard for one of my fanfics.


Obiwan Kenobi and my oc is Elisa Kira (Gemma chan) scifi like star wars. I have a canvas account since I first came to Wattpad.


@raven121_u I can do that.. so what's the genre??