
Heyo mates quick question should I start giving the insert a stable background in the stories? I mean he's just feels out of place in the stories as he doesn't have anything linking him to the world.


For everyone wondering when I shall return.... Well there is no clear cut answer, but what I can say is I've been at a stand still as I need to stand out from everyone else's work, and find my own writing style so if you would be so kindly to allow me a few more weeks to sort out that mess it'll be appreciated, and yes even if it doesn't look like it yandere hero party is finished and ready to release but I'm finishing up some stories before making one big release. Yes there are new chapters with hybrid/demi Humans.


@ randomstuff556  i'll wait until you ready man


Guys!! I realized that most of the newer chapters have been light hearted.... So I decide to go back to my roots my original! Everything will be berserk levels of pain and suffering.... It's gonna make you want to rip your eyes off... I'm gonna let my dark imagination flow.


@Arvyananda4 it is still broken and I'm using my phone but it's impossible to write on a phone.


@ randomstuff556  but still, im waiting for your story my dude


@ minecraftthalleus  lets just sit and wait fellas, maybe he is busy with somethinh, or his laptop is still broken


Hello there.....I just want to ask if yandere hero party will still be updated?