
Hii people haven't been quite active here, but I have some good news after several anxiety-inducing college counseling rounds I have finally got admission in one of the top colleges in my priority list! Now I can finally take a breather, relax and get back into reading and writing


@novelistASH thank you so much for that advice I will keep that in mind!


@rajvi_writes That's good. Write down your objectives before you start. It can be an important reminder for what you're suffering for and a measure of your change.


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Hii people haven't been quite active here, but I have some good news after several anxiety-inducing college counseling rounds I have finally got admission in one of the top colleges in my priority list! Now I can finally take a breather, relax and get back into reading and writing


@novelistASH thank you so much for that advice I will keep that in mind!


@rajvi_writes That's good. Write down your objectives before you start. It can be an important reminder for what you're suffering for and a measure of your change.


          Hope you're doing great 
          If you have time and are accepting reading requests I would like to tell that I've also started a book 'Marriage contract or a love proposal'
          Hope you like it
          even if you don't, I promise you'll not regret sparing time for it
          Your Votes and comments would be highly appreciable
          Thank you and sorry for disturbing


thank you so much for checking out FTU & NOTES book ♡ i would love to know more abt u ! let's be friends ?


@rajvi_writes ik my dad also has a hard time making friends but those times he made friends were people who were very loving towards him & form deep bonds ( he has a knack of understanding people in a deeper way so he doesn't mingle with them too fast ) — you can always make friends here! i find making friends hard as well but ig there is nothing i could do abt it 


@ORACLC-50 well that is true I haven't found another intj yet irl, and yeah I think we tend to be more logical and not too emotional I think? I have had a hard time making friends due to that and it's so good to know your dad is an intj!!


@rajvi_writes i heard intjs are very rare! im honored to meet one ( my father is also an intj & we never get along cause he is  a more thinker type & i am a more feeler type ) it's still awesome to know i met an intj on here! u guys are meticulous with ur works & very academic no? Just saying thru the experience of having a beloved intj in our fam 