
@idkhowtofixthis heyyyyy we r at rainys mom house for a few minutes after babysitting, just waiting for rainy dad to pick us up so wanted to sneak text
          	Love u all and miss u, we started a doc on ur school email that we updated this morning and we will try to update every morning 
          	Be safe and take care of urselves, see u in two days 


@idkhowtofixthis heyyyyy we r at rainys mom house for a few minutes after babysitting, just waiting for rainy dad to pick us up so wanted to sneak text
          Love u all and miss u, we started a doc on ur school email that we updated this morning and we will try to update every morning 
          Be safe and take care of urselves, see u in two days 




@idkhowtofixthis --- Jj this is my cousin amaya, lol, amaya this is Jj '^^