
Pretty privilege is so real, like c'mon. Cause tell me why I'm ready to die on the altar that is Alicent Hightower. Like, is Rhaenyra the rightful Queen? Yes. Do I still love Team Green? You bet your butts I do. Pretty privilege is no joke, and the Greens are the prettiest of them all, and they have Mama Alicent to thank for that.


Nope. lol I consider myself neutral/Team Black, but I still like the greens and have a big fat crush on Olivia Cooke. 


@rainbowkiller0 Wait a minute. You support the Greens based on how pretty they are? That's... interesting.


Pretty privilege is so real, like c'mon. Cause tell me why I'm ready to die on the altar that is Alicent Hightower. Like, is Rhaenyra the rightful Queen? Yes. Do I still love Team Green? You bet your butts I do. Pretty privilege is no joke, and the Greens are the prettiest of them all, and they have Mama Alicent to thank for that.


Nope. lol I consider myself neutral/Team Black, but I still like the greens and have a big fat crush on Olivia Cooke. 


@rainbowkiller0 Wait a minute. You support the Greens based on how pretty they are? That's... interesting.


I swear to god if the leaks are true and they have Alicent and Criston sleep together I’ll- well I don’t know what I’ll do but I won’t be happy about it. 


@rainbowkiller0  I guess just sigh disappointedly bc throwing the remote at the TV is not healthy I guess. 


@Maggie3Joya I totally agree. The forbiddenness and tension of these two pious characters desiring each other even if it’s against their beliefs is something I’d be a fan of. But what Im not a fan of is (if the leak I read is to be believed) that they get it on while blood and cheese is happening. That the writers decided that Criston and Alicent need to be at fault for the tragedy. If Alicent and Criston get together any other way maybe I could get behind it, but this? Putting Alicent in a situation where the first time she does something for herself her decision causes the death of her grandson and her only daughter to go mad with grief and off herself. No, I don’t want that.


I just think it would be deeply out  character. One of their reasons their characters come together is the knowledge that Alicent would never ask Criston to dishonor himself like Rhaenyra did. We see in the show that one of the values that binds them together is living by tenets even if it is undervalued and unappreciated. They both have negative associations with sexual pleasure ( or lack there of on Alicents part). I definitely could see it as a medieval courtly love,  that stays in line with their characterizations because it is an ideal and unattainable. It is precisely that they do not physically consummate that it makes their connection more cherished and sacred, at least in their minds. I mean in fanfic, give it to me. It sounds like an interesting dynamic and dilemma. But if the show is the “official” story, that’s where it losses me. You are sacrificing character for what? Drama? Which makes sense I guess. This is the entertainment industry. 


My writer's block feels like a hate crime


@rainbowkiller0 I never felt so illiterate in my life 


@lemon_grab123 during pride month and everything smh


Let’s say I hypothetically dreamt up a new plot for Aegon II and a Velaryon OC that would follow season 2, are we interested or should I shut up and focus on what I’ve already got? Also does anyone know how to change hair color in gifs/ pics?