
Promo jualan untuk e-book latest Deceitful Gaze dan e-book Carlos's akan tamat dalam masa dua hari lagi ;)
          	Terima kasih. 


@ raenees  slpas tu harga macam biasa kann ?


Jangan berhenti berdoa untuk saudara saudari kita di Palestin sana.
          Hasbunallahu Wani’mal Wakil
          ( حَسْبُنَا اللَهُوَنِعْمَالْوَكِيلُ)
          "Cukuplah Allah menjadi penolong kami dan Allah sebaik-baik pelindung"


          This is not fishing for attention. I'm telling this in advance because I feel like I needed to, just in case.
          If one day I, start to go on hiatus for more than three years, please jangan tunggu saya lagi. Ini bukan sebab haters atau orang lain. Yang cakap buruk sekalipun, none of their words affect me. NONE. This is not about them.
          This is me. This is me, basically telling you maybe because of I somehow starting to lose interest.
          Jadi terima kasih kepada yang setia menunggu dan support... but for now I, perhaps still love writing stories ❤️ They're still in me ✨ <3


@awan_awan InsyaAllah, terima kasih ❤️


@raenees mgkn xmnat mnulis tp msh mnat membaca, silalah jguk2 temanmu ini... we still hv frens here n there yg adakala trtny keberadaan kita. so, hilg mnat mnulis je tau, jgn hilg dri kwn2. ok, dear (◕ᴗ◕✿)