
Dit bericht kan beledigend zijn
hello everyone (spoiler alert: i’m leaving wattpad)
          	so yes sad news. the spoiler alert was for the people who did not want to read all the shit i know i’m about to write bcs i am LONGWINDED as they say.
          	i really was not expecting the support, community, and friends that i would gain when i first posted high back in 2019. i am thankful for each and everyone of you i have interacted with here and you will always have a special place in my heart! 
          	to be really honest i’m not the biggest fan of skz anymore and i really can’t write for them anymore, so i feel weird trying to force something, you know? i also feel a lot more comfortable on ao3 right now,,,and i think moving there might be the best for me. i will be continuing to write but writing nct! so if you’re an nctzen or you just wanna keep reading my stuff, i will be under the pseud: fiendhyuck on ao3 !
          	i know a LOT of you will be disappointed that i am discontinuing ‘these days’ but i DID promise a spoiling party and q&a for anyone who was curious on how it was supposed to end, so PLEASE PLEASE, (i don’t care if we’ve never spoken before) private message me if you want in on that! the ending is so juicy and we will ALL be screaming 
          	i will be keeping my works up on here so feel free to keep reading them if you want! i orphaned them on ao3 so these are a wp exclusive :o
          	if you want to keep up with me you can also private message me for my instagram or twitter! once i again i will be writing shit for nct so if you’re into that please lmk!
          	and if you want to be my friend, you of course may also private message me for that!
          	anyways thank you so much for your support in my works and my decisions and please stay happy <3


oh my gosh i’m so happy that you’re deciding to go on and be happy with whatever. it must have been really hard for you to come to this decision but thank you so much for all your amazing stories ily mwah oh and i’m literally abt to message you on insta rn cause these days spoiling party sounds real good rn anywayz stan nct 


@armytiny105031 i’m so glad you liked my stories! thank you for reading! well wishes to you as well :))


@racheleighh hell yeah!! i follow queen rache wherever she goes bitch. hyuck supremacy i literally solo stan him bc Nct has become a hell hole for black fans I’m sure you can understand but LITERALLY NOT THE POINT into your pm’s i go, excited to hear from you again :((( lots of love 


Dit bericht kan beledigend zijn
hello everyone (spoiler alert: i’m leaving wattpad)
          so yes sad news. the spoiler alert was for the people who did not want to read all the shit i know i’m about to write bcs i am LONGWINDED as they say.
          i really was not expecting the support, community, and friends that i would gain when i first posted high back in 2019. i am thankful for each and everyone of you i have interacted with here and you will always have a special place in my heart! 
          to be really honest i’m not the biggest fan of skz anymore and i really can’t write for them anymore, so i feel weird trying to force something, you know? i also feel a lot more comfortable on ao3 right now,,,and i think moving there might be the best for me. i will be continuing to write but writing nct! so if you’re an nctzen or you just wanna keep reading my stuff, i will be under the pseud: fiendhyuck on ao3 !
          i know a LOT of you will be disappointed that i am discontinuing ‘these days’ but i DID promise a spoiling party and q&a for anyone who was curious on how it was supposed to end, so PLEASE PLEASE, (i don’t care if we’ve never spoken before) private message me if you want in on that! the ending is so juicy and we will ALL be screaming 
          i will be keeping my works up on here so feel free to keep reading them if you want! i orphaned them on ao3 so these are a wp exclusive :o
          if you want to keep up with me you can also private message me for my instagram or twitter! once i again i will be writing shit for nct so if you’re into that please lmk!
          and if you want to be my friend, you of course may also private message me for that!
          anyways thank you so much for your support in my works and my decisions and please stay happy <3


oh my gosh i’m so happy that you’re deciding to go on and be happy with whatever. it must have been really hard for you to come to this decision but thank you so much for all your amazing stories ily mwah oh and i’m literally abt to message you on insta rn cause these days spoiling party sounds real good rn anywayz stan nct 


@armytiny105031 i’m so glad you liked my stories! thank you for reading! well wishes to you as well :))


@racheleighh hell yeah!! i follow queen rache wherever she goes bitch. hyuck supremacy i literally solo stan him bc Nct has become a hell hole for black fans I’m sure you can understand but LITERALLY NOT THE POINT into your pm’s i go, excited to hear from you again :((( lots of love 


girlie your changlix fic is a BLESSING AND A CURSE. i’m so happy i found it but at the same time like i can’t do anything till i finish it man you didn’t have to come for me like dis 


@vintagehyuck ahh thank you very much !! i’m so glad you’re enjoying (and simultaneously suffering) 


Dit bericht kan beledigend zijn
[HIATUS] hello my loves :))
          i have officially decided to put these days on hiatus. after lots of debating and schedule planning i’ve finally come to accept my fate. 
          i absolutely adore these days and there’s a lot that’s yet to happen that i’m super excited about, but i fear the quality of my chapters will suffer dramatically if i try to force myself to write while juggling everything going on. (if i ever do decide to fully discontinue it, i will have a fully fledged spoiling party and it will be juicy and your jaws will be ON THE FLOOR).
          i am by no means just deleting the app and forgetting about it for months, (i WILL stalk your comments so don’t be surprised if i answer you). 
          it’s not like every waking moment of my days are filled with some sort of work (although there are some days....whew). but i do have a social life, i do have a girlfriend (who is, despite trying to understand kpop, completely separate from all of this + dates >>> writing), and i do need time to rest when i’m not learning about calculus or economics, on top of sheer time i need for school, work and dance (oh god dance hasn’t even started yet and i’m drowning pls help), i just don’t have the time :((
          sorry about my rant/pity party, i’m just STRESSED lols
          i’m sure you all are understanding because all the people who have shown me support for these days are so lovely and forgiving and patient, and for that i am so so grateful. 
          i think i might grow to miss writing, so i’ve decided that if i suddenly want to write, i’m just gonna write what i want, not as some homework assignment, but for fun. so if that markhyuck fic suddenly shows up, i warned you.
          anyways, thank you guys so much for everything! hopefully i will be back with some high quality writing and a better sleeping schedule <3 
          (also: no, my asshole has not recovered <3)


@OHMAGAWDLIV that’s so cool to hear (: thank you for supporting <3


@racheleighh Hey, I just wanted to say these days is one of the best stories i've read on this app. I hope you take care of yourself and I will be eagerly waiting for updates when you are ready <3


@racheleighh oh.....damn bro get that ass checked out


Dit bericht kan beledigend zijn
uh hey for those that like to keep up with me, i’m not dead !
          school just decided to bend me over and fuck me in the ass within the first week
          and didn’t even take me out to dinner first smh
          anyways, i was worried this would happen. i’m not sure how fast i’m going to be able to write when the first week is already fucking me over so badly that i haven’t even been able to THINK about writing (other than the occasional guilt that’s been eating at me and reminding me that i’m making you guys wait).
          i’m kind of considering a hiatus ? i hate to like, stop this momentum that these days built up, but it’s a bit hard for me to convince myself to finish online classes and immediately open up wp to start writing. not to mention i’m an overachiever and always do my hw bcs i’m a good child. 
          i think i will feel a lot less stressed, but i am gonna at least get through the first week before i make any drastic decisions.
          thank you guys for being so patient with me, i love you guys eternally, i’m sorry everything is taking so long, hopefully i’ll figure it out :)


this message may be offensive
take ur time, dw i’m praying for your asshole!!  




okay this made me laugh- but take as much time as you need! 


did i just plan a whole ass markhyuck one shot instead of writing chapter 9 of these days ? yes....do i regret it?....no
          kinda obsessed with it... :-^
          would ya’ll be interested if i wrote it ?


HI GUYS it’s been a sec :) so the chapter i’m working on is taking a while—sorry about that, i’m trying to be fast without burning myself out. but this reminds me that i need to talk to you guys about my update schedule for the school year
          i start school this tuesday (why not monday? dk) and i will be a JUNIOR which is SCARY and it’s also arguably the HARDEST year of high school + i will have a job (all very scary). SO the point of me telling you this is i don’t want you guys to be disappointed when updates take forever because i will have significantly less time on my hands.
          i don’t know how busy i will be with online school but we’ll just have to see :)
          trying to get chapter 9 done, sorry for the long wait, thank you guys for being patient :))


queen rachel can take as long as she needs bc it’s her world and we’re living in it like,, and I have the audacity to BREATHE anyways good mfing luck oml


Dit bericht kan beledigend zijn
aight so you’re actually not going to believe me but it ended up being 9k words. am i fucking insane? yes, but yk it just be like that’s sometimes


i am so sorry chapter 8 is taking so long—i’m fr trying but i have been on vacation without my computer and did not anticipate how much i was going to actually write (what else is new)
          it’s going to be a long one, considering i’m already at 4k and nowhere near done BUT hopefully that makes up for the wait 
          it’s going to be a lot :))






@racheleighh UR WELCOME... now publish the next chapter biitch

