
HAPPY EASTER to everyone! I hope that you all have a fantastic time, and lots of fun with your friends and family! There’s also a few fanfic updates coming today to celebrate the occasion! Best wishes!


❤️ I hope that everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s Day! ❤️
          Very sorry, I meant to post this on the initial day, but I was busy with several things then and in the few days to come!
          There’s a special late Valentine’s Day fanfic update too! Enjoy!


It’s my birthday today!
          I had a very fun birthday full of presents, treats, and lots of merriment!
          I hope that you all out there are having a great time too!
          By the way, there’ll be a celebratory fanfic update coming out soon too!


@qwertuno Happy Birthday to you! 


Huzzah! Happy Birthday, @qwertuno 


 HAPPY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE!  I hope that everybody’s having a jolly good time wherever they are in the world! Happy Holidays too! Also, there’ll be a couple of fanfic updates from me for Christmas! I hope that you all enjoy them!


Hiya everyone! This is both an announcement, and an apology. A HUGE apology! First, I am very sorry to everyone who commissioned me to do Willy’s Wonderland oneshots … extremely sorry for getting distracted! Deepest apologies! Sincerely sorry! Please forgive me?
          I can understand if you’re very mad at me … I completely deserve it! You see, what happened was: … earlier, in the summer of this year, I discovered two shows that I’d never heard of before. Helluva Boss, and its predecessor: the Hazbin Hotel pilot episode! I saw the pilot, and all of the HB episodes at that time … and got hooked. BADLY.
          I feel really, really bad for that! I don’t know if anyone else out there has had the same, or similar stuff happen to them or not! But I just wanted to say that; I’m taking a little break from the Hellaverse (Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss), and I’m going to FINISH all of the oneshot commissions that I currently have!
          People are welcome to post more commission requests if they want? Is this okay? Again, I’m very, very, very sorry for the inconvenience!
          Posted on my conversations page, and on the WW Oneshots fanfic!


I just want to announce that the hiatus on my fanfic writing is now over! Due to most of the hard work being done for the short comic I mentioned in the past, I am now free to respond to and do present and future oneshot requests! And I will also update all of my existing fanfics too! But I still will be doing the short comic as well, so my writing speed may be a bit slower than usual. I hope that that’s okay?


@qwertuno after mabye a years or two I was like "ima check on this author see if they left it not haven't heard form them in a while!" I end up seeing this announcement and got excited immediately welcome back!


Hoorah! It’s my birthday today, just to let you all know! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! I’ll be going to a zoo to see and pet animals, and then having a birthday tea with cupcakes afterwards! Also, I’ll be posting another of my ‘finished and saved for later’ chapters to celebrate the occasion … if that’s okay? Hope that you all are doing well!


@qwertuno have the most happiest birthday in the world


@qwertuno happy birthday !!!


Happy birthday!^^