
Hi guys! Mi Karamel familia ♡
          	How are ya?
          	I'm sorry I've been MIA for way toooo long. I read all your comments and I just wanna thank you for your continuous supports!!
          	I know I promise you guys Superparents part 2 (and other five one shots of Thousands Words) and chapter update of KIKO Say You Won't Let Go.. The drafts are there, it's just around the corner I promise. I just need a little push and make the time to finish it since my working hour and work schedule is packed these past couple months. So please stick around, stay with me, keep (re)reading my stories, leave your comments.. That'll keep me going
          	But I wonder, between Superparents part 2 and update of KIKO Say You Won't Let Go, which one do you really want to read the update of? Please let me know, comment down below, don't stop believing in Karamel just like Kara believe in Mon-El.
          	Yours Truly


Hi guys! Mi Karamel familia ♡
          How are ya?
          I'm sorry I've been MIA for way toooo long. I read all your comments and I just wanna thank you for your continuous supports!!
          I know I promise you guys Superparents part 2 (and other five one shots of Thousands Words) and chapter update of KIKO Say You Won't Let Go.. The drafts are there, it's just around the corner I promise. I just need a little push and make the time to finish it since my working hour and work schedule is packed these past couple months. So please stick around, stay with me, keep (re)reading my stories, leave your comments.. That'll keep me going
          But I wonder, between Superparents part 2 and update of KIKO Say You Won't Let Go, which one do you really want to read the update of? Please let me know, comment down below, don't stop believing in Karamel just like Kara believe in Mon-El.
          Yours Truly


OMG love your Superparents fic, can't wait for part 2!!!!


@SupergirlFandom hey there! thank youuu. I'm glad you like ;') part 2 is cookin', just you wait!


Hey guys, just want to check in and letting you know that I've been working on two one-shot stories, and - of course - an update for Chapter 9 of Say You Won't Let Go.. it's been slow and I'm sorry for the long wait, but thank you for your patience and staying on this ride with me ;) I've been reading all of your comments, and it keeps me going. Thank you! <3
          Oh, and one quick question, have any of you getting any trouble reading Chapter 7 of SYWLG? I dunno what's wrong, but my Wattpad only showed couple paragraph from Chapter 7.. Please let me know! XX


Happy New Year guys! I just want to thank you for all of your support and love to my writings.. It was like a dream come true to post a story that I wrote myself to Wattpad. Thank you for everything, it means a lot to me, your comments and supports are giving me fire to keep writing!
          Also, I want to thank my favorite writer on Wattpad and Ezria fandom, Katrina, and Karamel families on Tumblr, for the inspiration and their works and prompts and posts, you guys rock!!
          PS: please enjoy my New Year gifts to you, the newest chapter of Say You Won't Let Go and Happy New Year, Kara (publish soon). Hope you like it!