
Also, I hope you all are well at this time. Stay safe and be kind. My inbox is open if anyone wants to just chat.


Hello. I just finished your book like a couple of minutes ago. I loved it. How you got the jest of the character's personalities astounds me. I just also wanted to ask when are you going to make the next book? because I am so excited to read your version with your character!  


Okay, so this is sad to say but, I have not got an update for you guys when it comes to Living with Lestat and Louis. I haven't been back to my apartment since early March and I have been at home with my family. I have decided to however write three new stories. One is a Harry Potter fan fiction. The other is a Kylo Ren fan fiction and lastly a Mafia story. 
          All of these stories have black female leads. I decided to write two of the stories in the third person and I am just trying to get back into enjoying writing. I used to love writing but I started to..I don't know lose the flow of it all. I'm trying to create but it's hard when I feel that I don't have my own space. 
          I may publish the three stories soon I just want to write a nice amount of chapters ahead of time for you all. 
          Hopefully I can get back into the mentality of Aurora soon.
          Thank you all for your time.


Hi, I have republished and edited two little chapters of LIving with Lestat and Louis. I will be going through and editing all the chapters over the weekend and most likely into the week. Unfournatly I am still working on the updates for Living with Lestat and Louis. I wanted to give you all at least something so I decided to fix some spelling errors in the earlier chapters of the story.  I think I may have a slight writer's block which is very upsetting to me because I really want to get you all the updates you deserve. Just know I am trying my hardest and just be patient with me I am also in college so its not easy too do this and school work. But, I will try to juggle them both as best as I can because I really miss writing.