
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you're all doing great this season! 


Any chance you are going to finish your Alice story? It is so interesting so far, I’ve read it a few times. It certainly has the potential to be up there with the best!


@MichelePatten1 Hi!! Omg thank you! I am going to finish them no matter what it takes. It's going to be an uphill battle for me but I will do it! I just have so much stuff on my plate right now but I will do my best to release an update before the end of the year!! Thank you so much for reading and for writing to me! This makes me so happy. Thank you!


helloo, i love your storyy, do still updating all of your stories or stopping it all together? thank you for your hardwork, i hope you can give us news


@grumpykoi *waves* Hi!! First of all, thank you for reading my stories! I am still gonna update all my stories. Not sure when but I'll try my best to write something in the next few days. I hope you don't mind waiting~ Thank you 


I just realized that your a fan of the Gakuen Alice series!!!! I love that series so much.  Especially Natsume, Mikan, Luca, and Hotaru.  


@Phoenix_Firestix I totally missed that! I am definitely checking that out! Thank you!


I guessed that too!!! I was gonna ask later lol! Did u know the author of Gakuen Alice started a new series called Kageki no Kuni no Alice and if you go to this website:  it’s an extra about Mikan and Natsume.


@Phoenix_Firestix I loved watching the anime but not as much as reading the manga! I wish they'd make more seasons out of it!
            And I just read a bit from your profile and I love that you love Howl's Moving Castle! Both books and film! *coughs* I am a huge fan if you didn't notice. My profile pic and the header I'm using are both Howl inspired ❤️