
I believe someone here followed me to AO3 and called me my nickname. Whoever it was, don't call me that.


I believe someone here followed me to AO3 and called me my nickname. Whoever it was, don't call me that.


Hey y'all, just wanted to say that I'm probably gonna stop posting here, my stories will be continued, but only on AO3
          I might, MIGHT, post here at times, but it's not very likely anymore, just thought I should share this
          I apologize for the suddenness of it, but I've been thinking about it for a long time anyway
          It's making me so anxious to post this, but I suppose it needs to be done
          If you wish to continue reading my stories, or read ones I haven't posted here, I am Brynth_lover on AO3
          Kinda goodbye?


@prettykitty98561 well I don't know what the bar is.....I can usually figure out how things work just by looking at it and playing around with it. Doesn't take me that long to understand it all


hey vickie, i started a book so you can chat with me there <3


            You scared the crap outta me and I appreciate it lol-


Just got sick
          Been whimperinglike a puppy-


            Not gonna take a break, I'm pulling through and I'm strong, I won't be hurt by them calling me a faker again-


यह संदेश आपत्तिजनक हो सकता है
Y'all my dog ate chocolate pudding I'm so fucking stupid I hate myself so fucking much I can't even I'm gonna cry-


@prettykitty98561 Yeah my dog is magically still alive ✨✨✨


            She's okay thankfully- I was just freaking out and hating myself because I could smell chocolate and I was so confused, so when I realized she was eating chocolate I was so pissed at myself-


@prettykitty98561 your not stupid trust me, you are great the way you are❤
            Don't worry, My dog ate half a chocolate cake and some more chocolate and he is still alive despite being old and with heart problems. Don't hate yourself, You great Keep that in mind ❤


Hello Vickie  How are you doing?


            That's good-
            And no worries! On even days (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc) are when the first is updated- and holy nut balls I keep forgetting that one 


Im doing fine ig <3
            (sleepy baby bro vs big bros chapter 34 and who are you XD)


            Hi! I'm doing a bit better- still not feeling my best, you?
            (If I have forgotten ANYTHING just let me know please-)


Guess who's probably getting sick?


            The last time I told someone I was sick here's how it went down-
            My sister: She's faking it like always!
            My grandpa: Hmm..I guess we could check your temperature, what do you think, does she look pale?
            My grandma: I guess she does look a little pale...
            (This happens each time I feel sick and considering how close this is after my brother's murder? I don't think this is a coincidence. Besides I feel sick like constantly- sorry if I seemed rude at any point!)


@prettykitty98561  dude. . If you need help just say that and we will help…


hello! I wanted to ask if you wanted to read my books and be friends? <3


Yay <3 (no problem, it is unnerving)


            Yes, I would love to! (Sorry with everything happening I completely forgot to respond to this-)


@prettykitty98561 Damn. I'm so sorry that happened. You honestly don't deserve this....but god takes people out of our lives cause their not in with his plan he has for us. I had to let my mom go, and i thought she was good....but she wasn't god took her out of my life because his plan....she wasn't needed. Sometimes you gotta let god do his thing....and don't be mad at em....forgive and let em do his thing and you'll be okay. I got believe and trust me?


यह संदेश आपत्तिजनक हो सकता है
Alright so, I can't speak anymore-
          Like, something is preventing my speech, I can make sounds, but I no longer speak.
          Adding onto that, I saw his body.
          I saw his fucking body.
          Nobody told me it was gonna be an open casket and you have no idea how traumatized and upset I am rn
          Like holy shit
          Then there's the fact I literally collapsed and cried when I saw him laying there.
          I fucking hate most of everything rn


@prettykitty98561 I'm sorry you had to witness that, it must have been truamatic. I want to let you know that your reminder is here for you my friend


            He was shot in the arm and his stomach, he died once then they brought him back, but but he went into cardiac arrest and he died