
this message may be offensive
Ik I'm really dumb to post this question to y'all but I thought by telling you I can atleast ease my mind or you might also relate to this :)
          	So school, family issues and Mental Health are really hectic tbh and to escape from our problems we all found wattpad or got obsessed with some fictional character or idol but what if they themselves become the problem? I mean I'm was on too much verge of loneliness that My whole life got dependent on fictions and all and Now, Today I was unable to talk with someone like i don't have much friends but still I was unable to even greet them on online social media for my school peeps I'm just like an Therapist whose friendship is limited for just Hospital (a friendship between a patient and therapist )so basically I'm therapist for them in online and a stranger in real lyf so How to get over this Fictional people cuz I'm too addicted T T!??
          	I'm Sryy I wrote smuch of shit -
          	Lob y'all ♡


this message may be offensive
Ik I'm really dumb to post this question to y'all but I thought by telling you I can atleast ease my mind or you might also relate to this :)
          So school, family issues and Mental Health are really hectic tbh and to escape from our problems we all found wattpad or got obsessed with some fictional character or idol but what if they themselves become the problem? I mean I'm was on too much verge of loneliness that My whole life got dependent on fictions and all and Now, Today I was unable to talk with someone like i don't have much friends but still I was unable to even greet them on online social media for my school peeps I'm just like an Therapist whose friendship is limited for just Hospital (a friendship between a patient and therapist )so basically I'm therapist for them in online and a stranger in real lyf so How to get over this Fictional people cuz I'm too addicted T T!??
          I'm Sryy I wrote smuch of shit -
          Lob y'all ♡