
Hello world. For those of you still waiting for updates, I am writing them d=(^o^)=b I don't know when I'll post but they're on my laptop...also I've started posting on AO3 FINALLY so if you're looking for more things you can head over there (^з^)-☆


@pretty04princes : depuis le 17 Décembre 2022 l'histoire " the ice prince " est en attente de mise à jour : est ce une histoire " oubliée " ? je souhaiterais vraiment lire une suite et que tu termines cet écrit SVP


Hello world. For those of you still waiting for updates, I am writing them d=(^o^)=b I don't know when I'll post but they're on my laptop...also I've started posting on AO3 FINALLY so if you're looking for more things you can head over there (^з^)-☆


@pretty04princes : depuis le 17 Décembre 2022 l'histoire " the ice prince " est en attente de mise à jour : est ce une histoire " oubliée " ? je souhaiterais vraiment lire une suite et que tu termines cet écrit SVP


It's my birthday WHOOP! I am working on writing still for those of you that are worried about incomplete pieces. Also writing some pieces I'm going to be putting up on ao3 so keep an eye out for me that side too? Have a good day everyone. Time for me to eat cake  


Can you guess my MBTI? Currently drinking ice coffee, looking out my window at the evening sky and listening to Binary Dreams by Melodysheep... 
          Good Luck


lmao i would’ve guessed infp if you didn’t tell it already bcs same :)


@luvlyhwangs hahaha *ding* Yes.  I am an INFP


I'm in love with your Yutae series and the spin-offs! Keep up the good work 


@xKol_Mikaelsonx Your welcome! I've re-read it 3 times already. I can't wait for the next updates  


@xKol_Mikaelsonx Thank you so much  (●'◡'●)


Bonsoir , je viens de finir ton livre ton " ice prince " que j'ai apprécié et est ce vraiment la fin ?? car c'est " a suivre " ???? et c'est sur Shoma .....


@zabounette19 :} Hi. I'm glad you enjoyed Ice Prince. So far I only have plans to write one or two more bonus chapters for it before I set it as for the story of Shoma and Stephane, I don't have any plans yet but I did leave it open in case I changed my mind.  (。◑ヮ◑。)


° °( °‿‿°  )° ... So. I have just finished posting the rest of the chapters for The Ice Prince and I'm feeling a little sad that its over. But the good news is the other stories will also get more of my focus. Lets keep up the diligence, self  (●'◡'●) Don't let me down. Jia You. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o


I sometimes forget people are here and waiting pfffft I'm so sorry. I am writing. I'm just planning to finish writing the remaining chapters for the Yuzuvier series and post all of them at once so I can focus on Dojae and Chanbaek. (。◑ヮ◑。)It's coming along nicely. There are also a few other stories in my drafts that I couldn't resist starting. I gave into temptation  (*  ̄︿ ̄) I'm not proud of myself but I'm not sorry either (●'◡'●)


Not gone. Load shedding is just causing a ...minor delay (¬_¬") Everytime I have time to sit down and write there's no electricity. Fun. I know. But we're getting there! Updates should be soon. Jia You! ~( ♡ _ ♡)~


@pretty04princes lol Hai you are definitely from South Africa