
Looking for a new read? Check out this one shot. Fantasy sci-fi? Absolutely 
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@pmjc88 well thanks for the plug I've also just posted the first two parts of a new story When the war's over. What's a man to do?


Looking for a new read? Check out this one shot. Fantasy sci-fi? Absolutely 
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@pmjc88 well thanks for the plug I've also just posted the first two parts of a new story When the war's over. What's a man to do?


I have a question for you all, and would love to hear outside opinions...
          My mother passed away recently, and I cut contact with her three years ago, as did other siblings. When she got really sick in the last few months, they changed their minds, and got back in touch with her, but I still refused, wanting nothing to do with her, didn't even want to see or talk to her. 
          We all cut contact in the first place for our own reasons, mine being what she said to me when I was pregnant on my youngest... "you clearly don't care I got cancer! I hope you suffer and die", while my oldest was in the room, hearing that call and what she said. (At the time, I was suffering a horrific pregnancy, and yes we almost died)
          When she died, my oldest shrugged it off, after how she had treated him, and hearing what she had said, he didn't want anything to do with her either (his choice, not mine) 
          My sister, has made it very clear, it doesn't matter that I'm his mother, she is coming to my house, and she is going to drag gim to that funeral whether he wants to or not, even though he's told her constantly for the past two weeks, he doesn't want to go. She's tried guilting him into by saying all the other kids in the family are going (all younger than him) and she needs him there. He's terrified of her now and angry, he even told his teachers and everyone who will listen, he doesn't want to go. 
          So, my question... What would you do? 
          I've told him if he wants to go, that's fine, that's his choice, whatever he wants to do, but he keeps saying no. He didn't even cry when I told him she passed, just said ok, and went back to bed to watch a film.


@pmjc88 definitely agree with the people, if she tries to force him physically, then you should call the cops on her 


He has made his decision and as his mother you are supporting him. She could show up at the house, doesn't mean he has to be there. 


@pmjc88 Of course. And I'm sorry there isn't more we can do to help, but I'm sending positive thoughts, prayers, and vibes your way, and I hope everything goes as well as it possibly can. ❤️


Congratulations on 500!
          Fingers crossed, I can get there one day too


@clairelouauthor1 aww thank you .
            Can't wait to see you at 1000! 
            We'll both get our goals   


@clairelouauthor1 you absolutely will get there. ❤️ its taken me a while yo hit this many, but I have no doubt you'll reach your targets. Just don't give up xx


I just want to say thank you, to every single one of you who follows me, reads my stories, votes and comments, and the messages on my board. I do appreciate you all, and I can't thank you enough, for the support. 
          I will get back i to the swing of things soon, and your patience is noted. 
          Seeing that I'm almost at 500, it's amazing  ❤️ I have my fingers crossed, I reach thst target before the month is over. Lol
          Hope you're all well, sending love and hugs to you all. Xx