
I was laughing for longer than I should have been at my new profile pic.


Chapter 18 confirmed to be 5k words, I might be rushing it but it is fitting given the content. Also Chapter 18 marks the end of Cindy's arc for this so you'd might wanna check it out once I post it. Bad news though is that I might not post Chapter 20 tomorrow as I have had quite a lot to deal with.
          Just so you know I only write in the weekends since I don't have my own laptop. It sucks but I have been managing. Once I'm done with the story, I'll take it through an extensive editing process so I can pitch it to a publisher. If everything checks out, I could have the paperback version of my book by the start of next year.
          P.S being author is exhausting.


I am legit crying right now for what I'm about to do. Y'all are gonna love the improved Chapter 15 and 16 which is going to be a tad longer than usual. I'm sure y'all are going to love the final stretch of the book and if you don't than you're just cold hearted(JK)


I unpublished Chapter 15 as I was not happy with it, but since only one of you read it isn't much of an issue. For that one person who read it, I am sorry, but I was unhappy with how Chapter 15 turned out and I feel like it was rushed. So since I refuse to deliver sub-par works to my readers, I will be re-working Chapter 15 along side, Chapter 16 which I'm currently busy with, I plan on publishing the next 5 Chapters next week and complete my book by the 22nd of October. Then after that I'll be going silent for a while as I will be revising my book yet again and I will be busy querying some agents so I can get a sweet publisher who can turn my baby into a mainstream Masterpiece.
          See you, bye-bye


Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls and everything else in between, I just published Chapter 11-15 so if you're all caught up with everything so far go check out the newest chapters. Also, I've been told that I have a bad habit of leaving you guys on cliffhangers and I just wanted to say that it's a habit that I will never get rid of. The book will be taken down when the new year starts so read it while it's still free.


If there was a chapter I wasn't sure of it's definitely Chapter 15. It has two plots that mix together, I'm not sure if they compliment each other or not, either way I might still post these parts early, I'm just doing a final revision


All in favor of me posting until chapter 15 say, "I" I won't do it until I get at least 5 "I"'s so don't miss the chance. Chapter 24 is still 9 chapters away, so if you don't feel like waiting until October 22 then raise your voice and Say "I".