
Hello everyone, 
          	I hope you all are well.
          	I havent updated any stories for a while as I have lost my ipod, which is what I usually write my stories on. Although I may now need to start writing on my laptop instead as it has been a while since i last saw my ipod.
          	The best way to contact me until my ipod is found, will be via my instagram @phan.isokay
          	Have a lovely day until then :))


Hello everyone, 
          I hope you all are well.
          I havent updated any stories for a while as I have lost my ipod, which is what I usually write my stories on. Although I may now need to start writing on my laptop instead as it has been a while since i last saw my ipod.
          The best way to contact me until my ipod is found, will be via my instagram @phan.isokay
          Have a lovely day until then :))


Hey guys :)) 
          Those of you who read my works are probably annoyed or forgotten about me lmao since I haven't uploaded in a while.. 
          Well I have had a lot of issues recently and they're not exactly getting better anytime soon. I also have my real exams in just two weeks. 
          Because of all this I haven't and most likely will not be as active as I used to be. 
          I'm going to try and finish the next two chapters for both my ongoing stories 'oh dan' and 'only fools fall'. The next chapter for oh Dan should be up real soon :)) 
          Anyways, thanks everyone for reading and I hope you all have a nice day/night <3