
... Did the hat fic like get deleted or something?? Some one please answer because I cannot see it ANYWHERE XD


Hello my followers!
          I've noticed how many people have been following me on Wattpad recently and I just wanted to take the time to say thanks. Because of this, I will hopefully get around to writing a fanfic or something ( Taking  a break from the man next door) I really do apperitiate you guys a whole lot. You are awesosme to me and I will do onto you too :3 
                                                                                           - Little Calvin -


Did you cry when mark cried in his vid for 12 million i did then i watched 8 mill


 Heya, I am working on the other chapter but if you can, do you mind checking out my other book? I would greatly appreciate it lots :3


@Ryakayna yea i cried. I try my hardest every time, but i can never hold in my tears. I have watched the 8 million mildstone video as well and cried also. 