
as an avid watcher of the boys and gen v, and having started a Gen v fic, it guts me to see Chance Perdomo has passed away so suddenly and young. All thoughts and prayers to his family and anyone else grieving him. He will be forever loved ❤️ 


@peterparker02 literally just saw the news and had to double check because I didn't believe it damn motorcycle accident really shows u can die any sec


as an avid watcher of the boys and gen v, and having started a Gen v fic, it guts me to see Chance Perdomo has passed away so suddenly and young. All thoughts and prayers to his family and anyone else grieving him. He will be forever loved ❤️ 


@peterparker02 literally just saw the news and had to double check because I didn't believe it damn motorcycle accident really shows u can die any sec


My New Year’s resolution is to stop making false promises to my readers 


@Peacegirl_writer like saying I’ll update and then going silent for months on end 


@peterparker02 What do you mean 'false promises'?


angels, my first major story has hit 1 million views. This is huge and it means so much to me that so many eyes have seen my work. Even out of the billions of people on the earth, I'm grateful for the million or less who keep coming back. Thank you for everything, hopefully I'll feel inspired soon.


Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!


My Joel Miller fic is almost complete, I had to take a pause though because I am genuinely depressed from rewatching his death and I just had to take a break. Didn't know I could feel that attached to a character still but here we are! Anyways... Gonna finish out the last few chapters then get that bish uploaded. Spread the word my sweet lil clickers